Discussion about art and screenshots

haha can I add my Mac desktop :open_mouth: :wink: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Only with Garuda Linux Desktop :smiley:

Good looking desktop mate, welcome to Linux side, never join the dark side of windows :smiley:

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awww cry of shame hahah no worries I will post one soon :slight_smile:

wait what lol, I did not know that linux had a sound mixer :OOOOOO

now my question is, does this have loop mixing like any other software ?

@thecrowlife - ofc, ardour is faaaaar more than a looper & mixer. but yes, you can loop in ardour. :wink:

You can try SooperLooper for all your looping needs! :wink:

Here is a link to the world of pro-audio on linux here.

Also archlinux (and thus, Garuda) has a meta-package for audio in the aur named proaudio-meta.

Linuxmusicians site here...

Have fun with SooperLooper! =P

:peace_symbol: :dove:

ps: I fear we are drifting too far offtopic (my bad) in this thread.


I need that Carnifex background. src?

I am not sure about the copyright of the logo. :slight_smile:
If it were free, I would have already posted it under Show your Artwork 🎨

Carnifex Logo Wallpaper posted by Ryan Mercado

Service Request Confirmation?
Social Responsibility Committee?
Summer Research College?
Source Code?

There is no link to the source code if that’s what you mean, the source of the image is me and the code of the SVG file is probably copyrighted by the author, see above. :wink:

And now back to topic, please. :slight_smile:


src(source) of the image. :wink:

Ty mate I was not even sure on the name :slight_smile: but this helps me to learn more on the software now

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