
so umm arch made dbus-broker their default implementation and i started to get these logs from jctl

Yan 10 13:21:37 AinGrace dbus-broker-launch[900]: Ignoring duplicate name 'org.freedesktop.FileManager1' in service file '/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.dolphin.FileManager1.servic>
░░ Subject: Invalid service file
░░ Defined-By: dbus-broker
░░ Support: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bus1-devel
░░ A service file is a ini-type configuration file.
░░ It has one required section
░░ named [D-BUS Service]. The section contains the required key 'Name', which
░░ must be a valid D-Bus name that is unique across all service files. It also
░░ contains at least one of the two optional keys 'SystemdService' and 'Exec',
░░ as well as optionally the key 'User'. Exec must be a valid shell command and
░░ User must be a valid user on the system.
░░ A service file should be named after the D-Bus name it configures. That is
░░ a file containing Name=org.foo.bar1 should be named org.foo.bar1.service.
░░ For backwards compatibility, we only warn when files do not follow this
░░ convention when run as a user bus. The system bus considers this an error
░░ and ignores the service file.
Yan 10 13:21:37 AinGrace dbus-broker-launch[900]: Ignoring duplicate name 'org.freedesktop.Notifications' in service file '/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.plasma.Notifications.servi>
░░ Subject: Invalid service file
░░ Defined-By: dbus-broker
░░ Support: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bus1-devel
░░ A service file is a ini-type configuration file.
░░ It has one required section
░░ named [D-BUS Service]. The section contains the required key 'Name', which
░░ must be a valid D-Bus name that is unique across all service files. It also
░░ contains at least one of the two optional keys 'SystemdService' and 'Exec',
░░ as well as optionally the key 'User'. Exec must be a valid shell command and
░░ User must be a valid user on the system.
░░ A service file should be named after the D-Bus name it configures. That is
░░ a file containing Name=org.foo.bar1 should be named org.foo.bar1.service.
░░ For backwards compatibility, we only warn when files do not follow this
░░ convention when run as a user bus. The system bus considers this an error
░░ and ignores the service file.
Yan 10 13:21:43 AinGrace dbus-broker-launch[1693]: Ignoring duplicate name 'org.freedesktop.FileManager1' in service file '/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.dolphin.FileManager1.servi>
░░ Subject: Invalid service file
░░ Defined-By: dbus-broker
░░ Support: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bus1-devel
░░ A service file is a ini-type configuration file.
░░ It has one required section
░░ named [D-BUS Service]. The section contains the required key 'Name', which
░░ must be a valid D-Bus name that is unique across all service files. It also
░░ contains at least one of the two optional keys 'SystemdService' and 'Exec',
░░ as well as optionally the key 'User'. Exec must be a valid shell command and


Kernel: 6.6.10-zen1-1-zen arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 13.2.1
clocksource: tsc available: acpi_pm
parameters: BOOT_IMAGE=/@/boot/vmlinuz-linux-zen
root=UUID=bad4e716-211c-4572-b7c9-6588d8898c37 rw rootflags=subvol=@
quiet quiet rd.udev.log_priority=3 vt.global_cursor_default=0 loglevel=3
Desktop: Hyprland info: waybar vt: 1 dm: SDDM Distro: Garuda Linux
base: Arch Linux
Type: Laptop System: ASUSTeK product: ASUS TUF Gaming F15 FX506LI_FX506LI
v: 1.0 serial: <superuser required>
Mobo: ASUSTeK model: FX506LI v: 1.0 serial: <superuser required>
UEFI: American Megatrends v: FX506LI.310 date: 11/26/2021
ID-1: BAT1 charge: 37.4 Wh (96.1%) condition: 38.9/48.2 Wh (80.7%)
volts: 12.5 min: 11.9 model: ASUS A32-K55 type: Li-ion serial: N/A
status: not charging
Info: model: Intel Core i5-10300H bits: 64 type: MT MCP arch: Comet Lake
gen: core 10 level: v3 note: check built: 2020 process: Intel 14nm family: 6
model-id: 0xA5 (165) stepping: 2 microcode: 0xF8
Topology: cpus: 1x cores: 4 tpc: 2 threads: 8 smt: enabled cache:
L1: 256 KiB desc: d-4x32 KiB; i-4x32 KiB L2: 1024 KiB desc: 4x256 KiB
L3: 8 MiB desc: 1x8 MiB
Speed (MHz): avg: 900 min/max: 800/4500 scaling: driver: intel_pstate
governor: powersave cores: 1: 900 2: 900 3: 900 4: 900 5: 900 6: 900 7: 900
8: 900 bogomips: 39999
Flags: avx avx2 ht lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 vmx
Vulnerabilities: <filter>
Device-1: Intel CometLake-H GT2 [UHD Graphics] vendor: ASUSTeK driver: i915
v: kernel arch: Gen-9.5 process: Intel 14nm built: 2016-20 ports:
active: eDP-1 empty: none bus-ID: 00:02.0 chip-ID: 8086:9bc4
class-ID: 0300
Device-2: NVIDIA TU117M [GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Mobile] vendor: ASUSTeK
driver: nvidia v: 545.29.06 alternate: nouveau,nvidia_drm non-free: 545.xx+
status: current (as of 2023-10; EOL~2026-12-xx) arch: Turing code: TUxxx
process: TSMC 12nm FF built: 2018-2022 pcie: gen: 3 speed: 8 GT/s
lanes: 16 ports: active: none empty: DP-1,HDMI-A-1 bus-ID: 01:00.0
chip-ID: 10de:1f95 class-ID: 0300
Device-3: IMC Networks USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam driver: uvcvideo type: USB
rev: 2.0 speed: 480 Mb/s lanes: 1 mode: 2.0 bus-ID: 1-7:4 chip-ID: 13d3:56a2
class-ID: 0e02 serial: <filter>
Display: wayland server: X.org v: with: Xwayland v: 23.2.3
compositor: Hyprland driver: X: loaded: modesetting,nvidia unloaded: nouveau
alternate: fbdev,intel,nv,vesa dri: iris gpu: i915,nvidia display-ID: 1
Monitor-1: eDP-1 res: 1920x1080 size: N/A modes: N/A
API: EGL v: 1.5 hw: drv: intel iris drv: nvidia platforms: device: 0
drv: nvidia device: 2 drv: iris device: 3 drv: swrast gbm: drv: nvidia
surfaceless: drv: nvidia wayland: drv: iris x11: drv: iris
inactive: device-1
API: OpenGL v: 4.6.0 compat-v: 4.5 vendor: nvidia mesa v: 545.29.06
glx-v: 1.4 direct-render: yes renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
memory: 3.91 GiB
API: Vulkan v: 1.3.274 layers: 9 device: 0 type: integrated-gpu name: Intel
UHD Graphics (CML GT2) driver: mesa intel v: 23.3.2-arch1.2
device-ID: 8086:9bc4 surfaces: xcb,xlib,wayland device: 1
type: discrete-gpu name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti driver: nvidia
v: 545.29.06 device-ID: 10de:1f95 surfaces: xcb,xlib,wayland device: 2
type: cpu name: llvmpipe (LLVM 16.0.6 256 bits) driver: mesa llvmpipe
v: 23.3.2-arch1.2 (LLVM 16.0.6) device-ID: 10005:0000
surfaces: xcb,xlib,wayland
Device-1: Intel Comet Lake PCH cAVS vendor: ASUSTeK driver: snd_hda_intel
v: kernel alternate: snd_soc_skl,snd_sof_pci_intel_cnl bus-ID: 00:1f.3
chip-ID: 8086:06c8 class-ID: 0403
Device-2: NVIDIA vendor: ASUSTeK driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel pcie:
gen: 3 speed: 8 GT/s lanes: 16 bus-ID: 01:00.1 chip-ID: 10de:10fa
class-ID: 0403
Device-3: C-Media USB Audio Device
driver: hid-generic,snd-usb-audio,usbhid type: USB rev: 1.1 speed: 12 Mb/s
lanes: 1 mode: 1.1 bus-ID: 1-1:2 chip-ID: 0d8c:0012 class-ID: 0300
API: ALSA v: k6.6.10-zen1-1-zen status: kernel-api tools: N/A
Server-1: sndiod v: N/A status: off tools: aucat,midicat,sndioctl
Server-2: PipeWire v: 1.0.0 status: active with: 1: pipewire-pulse
status: active 2: wireplumber status: active 3: pipewire-alsa type: plugin
4: pw-jack type: plugin tools: pactl,pw-cat,pw-cli,wpctl
Device-1: Intel Comet Lake PCH CNVi WiFi driver: iwlwifi v: kernel
bus-ID: 00:14.3 chip-ID: 8086:06f0 class-ID: 0280
IF: wlo1 state: down mac: <filter>
Device-2: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet
vendor: ASUSTeK driver: r8169 v: kernel pcie: gen: 1 speed: 2.5 GT/s
lanes: 1 port: 3000 bus-ID: 03:00.0 chip-ID: 10ec:8168 class-ID: 0200
IF: enp3s0 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
Device-1: Intel AX201 Bluetooth driver: btusb v: 0.8 type: USB rev: 2.0
speed: 12 Mb/s lanes: 1 mode: 1.1 bus-ID: 1-14:5 chip-ID: 8087:0026
class-ID: e001
Report: btmgmt ID: hci0 rfk-id: 0 state: up address: <filter> bt-v: 5.2
lmp-v: 11 status: discoverable: no pairing: no class-ID: 6c010c
Local Storage: total: 476.94 GiB used: 91.78 GiB (19.2%)
SMART Message: Unable to run smartctl. Root privileges required.
ID-1: /dev/nvme0n1 maj-min: 259:0 vendor: Micron model: 2210 MTFDHBA512QFD
size: 476.94 GiB block-size: physical: 512 B logical: 512 B speed: 31.6 Gb/s
lanes: 4 tech: SSD serial: <filter> fw-rev: P6MA001 temp: 33.9 C
scheme: GPT
ID-1: / raw-size: 267.65 GiB size: 267.65 GiB (100.00%)
used: 91.75 GiB (34.3%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/nvme0n1p5 maj-min: 259:5
ID-2: /boot/efi raw-size: 100 MiB size: 96 MiB (96.00%)
used: 25.6 MiB (26.7%) fs: vfat dev: /dev/nvme0n1p1 maj-min: 259:1
ID-3: /home raw-size: 267.65 GiB size: 267.65 GiB (100.00%)
used: 91.75 GiB (34.3%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/nvme0n1p5 maj-min: 259:5
ID-4: /var/log raw-size: 267.65 GiB size: 267.65 GiB (100.00%)
used: 91.75 GiB (34.3%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/nvme0n1p5 maj-min: 259:5
ID-5: /var/tmp raw-size: 267.65 GiB size: 267.65 GiB (100.00%)
used: 91.75 GiB (34.3%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/nvme0n1p5 maj-min: 259:5
Kernel: swappiness: 133 (default 60) cache-pressure: 100 (default) zswap: no
ID-1: swap-1 type: zram size: 15.46 GiB used: 0 KiB (0.0%) priority: 100
comp: zstd avail: lzo,lzo-rle,lz4,lz4hc,842 max-streams: 8 dev: /dev/zram0
System Temperatures: cpu: 53.0 C pch: 54.0 C mobo: N/A
Fan Speeds (rpm): cpu: 0
Processes: 275 Uptime: 1h 27m wakeups: 1 Memory: total: 16 GiB
available: 15.46 GiB used: 4.83 GiB (31.3%) Init: systemd v: 255
default: graphical tool: systemctl Compilers: gcc: 13.2.1 clang: 16.0.6
Packages: pm: dpkg pkgs: 0 pm: pacman pkgs: 1901 libs: 460
tools: octopi,pamac,paru Shell: fish v: 3.7.0 default: Bash v: 5.2.21
running-in: konsole inxi: 3.3.31
Garuda (2.6.22-1):
System install date:     2023-10-04
Last full system update: 2024-01-10 ↻
Is partially upgraded:   No
Relevant software:       snapper NetworkManager dracut nvidia-dkms
Windows dual boot:       Probably (Run as root to verify)
Failed units:

should i expect my system nuking itself soon or im good?

Needed by systemd, so, you are fine.#

pacman -Qi dbus-broker-units
Name            : dbus-broker-units
Version         : 35-2
Description     : Linux D-Bus Message Broker - Service units
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             : https://github.com/bus1/dbus-broker/wiki
Licenses        : Apache-2.0
Groups          : None
Provides        : dbus-units
Depends On      : dbus-broker
Optional Deps   : None
Required By     : systemd
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : dbus-daemon-units
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 0,00 B
Packager        : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <[email protected]>
Build Date      : Fr 05 Jan 2024 15:45:05 CET
Install Date    : Mi 10 Jan 2024 12:53:50 CET
Install Reason  : Installed as a dependency for another package
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : Signatur
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My gut feeling is that if it hasn’t gave up the ghost yet, it won’t anytime soon.
I may or may not have a more informed opinion once I take the update too.
Though Invalid service file isn’t exactly saying “all systems are go”.
And I really, really love an error message telling me there’s an error but not where…
Like, “file not found”, and not the path of the file that is not found.
That’s good when I just typed a command in the shell, not so much when it comes from who knows where.
Oh well. /end-of-rant

1 Like

Support: Redirecting to Google Groups

Subject: Invalid service file
░░ Defined-By: dbus-broker
░░ Support: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bus1-devel
░░ A service file is a ini-type configuration file.
░░ It has one required section
░░ named [D-BUS Service]. The section contains the required key 'Name', which
░░ must be a valid D-Bus name that is unique across all service files. It also
░░ contains at least one of the two optional keys 'SystemdService' and 'Exec',
░░ as well as optionally the key 'User'. Exec must be a valid shell command and
░░ User must be a valid user on the system.
░░ A service file should be named after the D-Bus name it configures. That is
░░ a file containing Name=org.foo.bar1 should be named org.foo.bar1.service.
░░ For backwards compatibility, we only warn when files do not follow this
░░ convention when run as a user bus. The system bus considers this an error
░░ and ignores the service file.
Jan 10 13:30:01 pro dbus-broker-launch[3143]: Ignoring duplicate name 'org.freedesktop.Notifications' in service file '/usr/share/dbus->
░░ Subject: Invalid service file
░░ Defined-By: dbus-broker
░░ Support: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bus1-devel
░░ A service file is a ini-type configuration file.
░░ It has one required section
░░ named [D-BUS Service]. The section contains the required key 'Name', which
░░ must be a valid D-Bus name that is unique across all service files. It also
░░ contains at least one of the two optional keys 'SystemdService' and 'Exec',
░░ as well as optionally the key 'User'. Exec must be a valid shell command and
░░ User must be a valid user on the system.
░░ A service file should be named after the D-Bus name it configures. That is
░░ a file containing Name=org.foo.bar1 should be named org.foo.bar1.service.
░░ For backwards compatibility, we only warn when files do not follow this
░░ convention when run as a user bus. The system bus considers this an error
░░ and ignores the service file.
Jan 10 13:30:09 pro lightdm[3366]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
Jan 10 13:30:09 pro dbus-broker-launch[3723]: Ignoring duplicate name 'org.freedesktop.FileManager1' in service file '/usr/share/dbus-1>
░░ Subject: Invalid service file
░░ Defined-By: dbus-broker
░░ Support: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bus1-devel
░░ A service file is a ini-type configuration file.
░░ It has one required section
░░ named [D-BUS Service]. The section contains the required key 'Name', which
░░ must be a valid D-Bus name that is unique across all service files. It also
░░ contains at least one of the two optional keys 'SystemdService' and 'Exec',
░░ as well as optionally the key 'User'. Exec must be a valid shell command and
░░ User must be a valid user on the system.
░░ A service file should be named after the D-Bus name it configures. That is
░░ a file containing Name=org.foo.bar1 should be named org.foo.bar1.service.
░░ For backwards compatibility, we only warn when files do not follow this
░░ convention when run as a user bus. The system bus considers this an error
░░ and ignores the service file.
Jan 10 13:30:09 pro dbus-broker-launch[3723]: Ignoring duplicate name 'org.freedesktop.Notifications' in service file '/usr/share/dbus->
░░ Subject: Invalid service file
░░ Defined-By: dbus-broker
░░ Support: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bus1-devel
░░ A service file is a ini-type configuration file.
░░ It has one required section
░░ named [D-BUS Service]. The section contains the required key 'Name', which
░░ must be a valid D-Bus name that is unique across all service files. It also
░░ contains at least one of the two optional keys 'SystemdService' and 'Exec',
░░ as well as optionally the key 'User'. Exec must be a valid shell command and
░░ User must be a valid user on the system.
░░ A service file should be named after the D-Bus name it configures. That is
░░ a file containing Name=org.foo.bar1 should be named org.foo.bar1.service.
░░ For backwards compatibility, we only warn when files do not follow this
░░ convention when run as a user bus. The system bus considers this an error
░░ and ignores the service file.

Ah… I missed part of the message

similar to 1966951 – Thunar duplicates dbus service name "org.freedesktop.FileManager1" (two or more file managers competing for the org.freedesktop.FileManager1 DBus name, first one wins.
edit: kde - Clean way to run proper file manager from Firefox on Linux - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
(nevermind it says Firefox, it’s actually about DBus and Firefox is just a common instance)
Maybe the old DBus was silent about it?

I get this one instead

dbus-broker-launch[425]: Activation request for 'org.freedesktop.home1' failed: The systemd unit 'dbus-org.freedesktop.home1.service' could not be found.

which if I recall correctly is not a problem but I’ll double check.

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