Could not remove Firefox

I was unable to uninstall firefox

sudo pacman -Rns firefox

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I did sudo pacman -Rns firefox but it shows error : target not found : Firefox

After research only I reply

"F" is not capital in firefox


I know I did it but same error

Its probably firefox-appmenu then?

Same error

Did firefox launch? I mean does firefox really exist in your pc?

Yes I use it

Please post result of

pacman -Qs firefox

here is your result of pacman -Qs firefox


sudo pacman -Rns firefox-appmenu

And post result.

Thats of course to be expected. The addons have Firefox as dependency because they wont work without and pacman is intelligent enough to not break things by letting you uninstall needed stuff.
So the next step is to pacman -Rns the firefox extensions.

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sudo pacman -Rns firefox-extension-localcdn firefox-extension-plasma-integration firefox-appmenu

And post result.


that worked i removed those extensions then firefox-appmenu so it fixed.
thanks for help

@Naman After a re-start during boot it Show

error:file '/@/boot/vmlinuz-linux-tkg-bmq' not found


Error:you need to load the kernel first

It removed Firefox but made a error

That is definitly NOT caused by removing Firefox. :thinking:
Can you boot a into a snapshot?

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Yes I am able to boot into snapshot
But @dr460nf1r3 when I am Doing pacman -Syu it shows a lot of error (unable to lock database)

sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck

Pacman locks the database whenever it does something. Did you kill the process early or something? That would also explain why you cant boot into your system :thinking:
After removing database lock with the command @Naman gave you do

sudo pacman -Syu
sudo update-grub

and reboot