Connected to usb but printer not working

Perhaps spell the manufacturers name correctly when searching:

This was the first hit in my search results. ^^^

Here’s more:

Or, a more refined search using “Arch Linux” in the search terms:

This was the first hit in my search results on the above search terms:

Lots of hits there.

More refined yet:"G2000"+printer+ppd+file+Arch+Linux&oq=Download+Cannon+"G2000"+printer+ppd+file+Arch+Linux&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQDDIHCCMQsAIQJzoECAAQR1DilSdYxr0nYOLTJ2gAcAF4AIABqAKIAeADkgEFMS4xLjGYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6yAEIwAEB&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjJ1NLn45_uAhVlIjQIHR1wCTwQ4dUDCAw

These search results must include “G2000” with Google as they are given first priority because of the quotation marks:

Download Cannon “G2000” printer ppd file Arch Linux

Perhaps you simply need to spend some time learning how to fine tune your search results.

After the last AUR link above, the next hit on the list in the above search term was:

That hit was returned because the G2000 was listed in the Gutenrprint output of supported printers posted on that page.

If you can’t readily find the G2000 listed on a lengthy output on any given webpage the use the “Find in this page” feature (Firefox) to locate your model quickly if you can’t find it listed on a lengthy webpage.

To refine your web search even further you can limit to results from only the last year. With Google you can do this from the tools submenu:"G2000"+printer+ppd+file+Arch+Linux&ved=2ahUKEwiF_eGr65_uAhXFJTQIHRo4AgAQ5t4CMAJ6BAgDEAo&biw=1120&bih=521

Learning how to refine your search terms is 95% of the battle when looking for an answer to any issue in Linux. I do not own your hardware, so obviously I can’t troubleshoot your issue for you. The only one who can do that is someone with your printer model. So until someone responds to your thread that actually has the same printer, I’d suggest refining your search and following the information from Arch Linux related distros first. The best forums to include your search terms are, Arch, Garuda, EndeavourOS, and Manjaro forums.