ChaoticAUR is being cleared and rebuilt

ChaoticAUR is being cleared and rebuilt


December has been an awful month for Chaotic.

We got ruined after losing our beloved first-hardware-class cluster (Oh how I miss those 380Gb of RAM). I kept trying to build 3900 packages with our limited alternatives, and that didn't work out. Packages were severely outdated, broken, some even beyond hope to repair.

Because of that, this last week of the year, we'll go through some changes in-house. Especially, re-planning how we handle and adopts packages.

Package adoption will no longer be this unstoppable out-of-control train. The "hardware owners" will now handle only the packages attractive to them:

  • Kitsuna-cluster: Will handle TkG-related packages, including Kernels, Wine, LLVM, Mesa, Proton, and AMDGPU-stack; Also DXVK, Proton-GE and other prominent gaming stuff. Chaotic's NVIDIA/Mirrorlist/Keyring/Mesa/LLVM... (Handlers: LordKitsuna, PedroHLC, RustemB and SolarAquarion)
  • Garuda-cluster: Will take packages that are interesting for automating common-daily tasks, performance, and packages targeted for Garuda's users. (Handlers: Librewish and Nico)
  • UFSCar-HPC: Will handle mainly Wayland ecosystem and Bluespec. (Handlers: Thotypous and PedroHLC)

We deleted all packages, and starting today we'll slowly re-add them.

As longs as there is an open-slot in some of the hardware, we'll even add new packages.
And if new/better hardware appears, we'll surely add new slots.
I hope you all believe in us and the Chaotic's future.

And Merry Xmas everybody!
With love,
Pedro (the maintainer).