Chaotic-AUR: current status

Forwarding this here:

One of our signing keys expired today, causing packages to fail to install with the key being marked as "is unknown trust " - we are aware of this and try to get it fixed as soon as possible, while also ensuring a condition like this does not occur again! :wrench:

Edit: working state has been restored.


I must of lucked out on timing cause the only thing I got was for Brave nightly the rest of my updates all went just fine.

here the problem seems to be with wxwidgets3.0-

└─Δ update                                                 
:: Sincronizando a base de dados de pacotes...
 garuda está atualizado
 core                                         132,1 KiB  25,3 KiB/s 00:05 [-----------------------------------------] 100%
 extra                                          8,3 MiB  1059 KiB/s 00:08 [-----------------------------------------] 100%
 multilib está atualizado
 chaotic-aur está atualizado

--> Refreshing mirrorlists using rate-mirrors, please be patient..🍵

:: Sincronizando a base de dados de pacotes...
 garuda sendo baixado...
 core sendo baixado...
 extra sendo baixado...
 multilib sendo baixado...
 chaotic-aur sendo baixado...
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: reflector-simple: local (2.0-1.1) is newer than garuda (2.0-1)
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (57) duktape-2.7.0-6  dxvk-mingw-git-2.2.r61.gc5ab5be4-1  electron24-24.5.1-1  firewalld-1.3.3-1  fzf-0.42.0-1
              gjs-2:1.76.2-1  glslang-12.2.0-1  grub-btrfs-4.13-1  js102-102.12.0-1  kio-5.107.0-2  kwin-5.27.5-3
              lib32-libtiff-4.5.1-1  lib32-libx11-1.8.6-1  lib32-nvidia-utils-535.54.03-1
              lib32-opencl-nvidia-535.54.03-1  libjxl-0.8.2-1  libtiff-4.5.1-1  libx11-1.8.6-1  libxnvctrl-535.54.03-1
              linux-zen-6.3.8.zen1-1  linux-zen-headers-6.3.8.zen1-1  nextcloud-client-2:3.9.0-1  nvidia-dkms-535.54.03-1
              nvidia-settings-535.54.03-1  nvidia-utils-535.54.03-1  opencl-nvidia-535.54.03-1  poppler-23.06.0-1
              poppler-qt5-23.06.0-1  pyside2-5.15.10-1  pyside2-tools-5.15.10-1  python-shiboken2-5.15.10-1
              qt5-base-5.15.10+kde+r129-1  qt5-charts-5.15.10-1  qt5-declarative-5.15.10+kde+r26-1
              qt5-graphicaleffects-5.15.10-1  qt5-imageformats-5.15.10+kde+r9-1  qt5-location-5.15.10+kde+r4-1
              qt5-multimedia-5.15.10+kde+r3-1  qt5-quickcontrols-5.15.10-1  qt5-quickcontrols2-5.15.10+kde+r6-1
              qt5-sensors-5.15.10-1  qt5-speech-5.15.10+kde+r1-1  qt5-svg-5.15.10+kde+r8-1  qt5-tools-5.15.10+kde+r3-1
              qt5-translations-5.15.10-1  qt5-wayland-5.15.10+kde+r51-1  qt5-webchannel-5.15.10+kde+r3-1
              qt5-webengine-5.15.14-2  qt5-websockets-5.15.10+kde+r2-1  qt5-webview-5.15.10-1  qt5-x11extras-5.15.10-1
              qt5-xmlpatterns-5.15.10-1  ryujinx-git-r2899.f92921a6d-1  snapper-0.10.5-1  telegram-desktop-4.8.4-1
              vivaldi-6.1.3035.84-1  wxwidgets3.0-

Total Download Size:      8.09 MiB
Total Installed Size:  2716.55 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:       -67.20 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 wxwidgets3.0-                  8.1 MiB   735 KiB/s 00:11 [-----------------------------------------] 100%
(57/57) checking keys in keyring                                          [-----------------------------------------] 100%
(57/57) checking package integrity                                        [-----------------------------------------] 100%
error: wxwidgets3.0: signature from "Nico Jensch (Chaotic-AUR) <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/wxwidgets3.0- is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] y

error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

--> Some corrupt downloads were detected. Retrying... 

:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: reflector-simple: local (2.0-1.1) is newer than garuda (2.0-1)
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (57) duktape-2.7.0-6  dxvk-mingw-git-2.2.r61.gc5ab5be4-1  electron24-24.5.1-1  firewalld-1.3.3-1  fzf-0.42.0-1
              gjs-2:1.76.2-1  glslang-12.2.0-1  grub-btrfs-4.13-1  js102-102.12.0-1  kio-5.107.0-2  kwin-5.27.5-3
              lib32-libtiff-4.5.1-1  lib32-libx11-1.8.6-1  lib32-nvidia-utils-535.54.03-1
              lib32-opencl-nvidia-535.54.03-1  libjxl-0.8.2-1  libtiff-4.5.1-1  libx11-1.8.6-1  libxnvctrl-535.54.03-1
              linux-zen-6.3.8.zen1-1  linux-zen-headers-6.3.8.zen1-1  nextcloud-client-2:3.9.0-1  nvidia-dkms-535.54.03-1
              nvidia-settings-535.54.03-1  nvidia-utils-535.54.03-1  opencl-nvidia-535.54.03-1  poppler-23.06.0-1
              poppler-qt5-23.06.0-1  pyside2-5.15.10-1  pyside2-tools-5.15.10-1  python-shiboken2-5.15.10-1
              qt5-base-5.15.10+kde+r129-1  qt5-charts-5.15.10-1  qt5-declarative-5.15.10+kde+r26-1
              qt5-graphicaleffects-5.15.10-1  qt5-imageformats-5.15.10+kde+r9-1  qt5-location-5.15.10+kde+r4-1
              qt5-multimedia-5.15.10+kde+r3-1  qt5-quickcontrols-5.15.10-1  qt5-quickcontrols2-5.15.10+kde+r6-1
              qt5-sensors-5.15.10-1  qt5-speech-5.15.10+kde+r1-1  qt5-svg-5.15.10+kde+r8-1  qt5-tools-5.15.10+kde+r3-1
              qt5-translations-5.15.10-1  qt5-wayland-5.15.10+kde+r51-1  qt5-webchannel-5.15.10+kde+r3-1
              qt5-webengine-5.15.14-2  qt5-websockets-5.15.10+kde+r2-1  qt5-webview-5.15.10-1  qt5-x11extras-5.15.10-1
              qt5-xmlpatterns-5.15.10-1  ryujinx-git-r2899.f92921a6d-1  snapper-0.10.5-1  telegram-desktop-4.8.4-1
              vivaldi-6.1.3035.84-1  wxwidgets3.0-

Total Download Size:      8.09 MiB
Total Installed Size:  2716.55 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:       -67.20 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages...
 wxwidgets3.0-                  8.1 MiB  3.02 MiB/s 00:03 [-----------------------------------------] 100%
(57/57) checking keys in keyring                                          [-----------------------------------------] 100%
(57/57) checking package integrity                                        [-----------------------------------------] 100%
error: wxwidgets3.0: signature from "Nico Jensch (Chaotic-AUR) <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/wxwidgets3.0- is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] y

error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

Ops! Jumped the gun on posting… I was going to mention that I thought this was similar to

but this post makes me thing it’s not.

Please, just wait. There are some more packages.

1 Like

If you really need to update you could disable the pacman sig level.

Change /etc/pacman.conf
SigLevel = ... to SigLevel = Never

Now you can update without waiting. When everything is working again just restore from snapshot and everything will be fine.

Just be cool like an Ubuntu user :smiley:

Just wait 24 hours and save you all the work.


So glad for the forum, I'll wait.

Tried updating keyrings every way there is, etc but stuck on:

firedragon: signature from "Nico Jensch (Chaotic-AUR) <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/firedragon-114.0.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n]

error: sweet-theme-full-git: signature from "Nico Jensch (Chaotic-AUR) <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/sweet-theme-full-git-r321.c4a4c0c-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] 

… at the moment i wanna make a fresh install on my sons laptop >>> is there a way to get informed when the problem is solved, because after a fresh install the first-start great update failed everytime because of the “Nico Jensch”-Problem ???

1 Like

Works for me. Did you use


in terminal?


Works for me

so the problem has been solved?

:: Paketdatenbanken werden synchronisiert …
 garuda ist aktuell
 core ist aktuell
 extra                   8,3 MiB  13,9 MiB/s 00:01 [-------------] 100%
 multilib ist aktuell
 chaotic-aur             2,9 MiB  3,75 MiB/s 00:01 [-------------] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: reflector-simple: local (2.0-1.1) is newer than garuda (2.0-1)
 there is nothing to do

--> Updating AUR packages with paru..
:: Looking for AUR upgrades...
:: Looking for devel upgrades...
:: Pakete nicht im AUR: ananicy-rules
 es gibt nichts zu tun

System updated! 🐧

didn't work for me-it keeps coming up with that error Y.Y

Simple question, no answer.


Been lurking this forum a little since I was having the same issue last night. Decided to leave the update for today and it went through perfectly fine for me just now :slight_smile:


Thanks @dr460nf1r3 for sorting it :smiley:


I think @TNE was our savior in the emergency. :slight_smile:


Whoops thanks @TNE :smiley:


... no, i make a fresh install now, and then we will see !!!

1 Like

... thanxxx, this also works for me !!! Great


Thank you all So Much for solving the certificate issue :slight_smile:
I didn't mind waiting,
At least this issue forced me to register on this forum, which I've been highly overdue: I've been enjoying this distro for 1.5 years now
So thank you ever so much to all the involved members of this community for keeping everything working all the time
:pray: :metal: :heart_hands: