Forwarding this here :
One of our signing keys expired today, causing packages to fail to install with the key being marked as "is unknown trust
" - we are aware of this and try to get it fixed as soon as possible, while also ensuring a condition like this does not occur again!
Edit: working state has been restored.
I must of lucked out on timing cause the only thing I got was for Brave nightly the rest of my updates all went just fine.
here the problem seems to be with wxwidgets3.0-
└─Δ update
:: Sincronizando a base de dados de pacotes...
garuda está atualizado
core 132,1 KiB 25,3 KiB/s 00:05 [-----------------------------------------] 100%
extra 8,3 MiB 1059 KiB/s 00:08 [-----------------------------------------] 100%
multilib está atualizado
chaotic-aur está atualizado
--> Refreshing mirrorlists using rate-mirrors, please be patient..🍵
:: Sincronizando a base de dados de pacotes...
garuda sendo baixado...
core sendo baixado...
extra sendo baixado...
multilib sendo baixado...
chaotic-aur sendo baixado...
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: reflector-simple: local (2.0-1.1) is newer than garuda (2.0-1)
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
Packages (57) duktape-2.7.0-6 dxvk-mingw-git-2.2.r61.gc5ab5be4-1 electron24-24.5.1-1 firewalld-1.3.3-1 fzf-0.42.0-1
gjs-2:1.76.2-1 glslang-12.2.0-1 grub-btrfs-4.13-1 js102-102.12.0-1 kio-5.107.0-2 kwin-5.27.5-3
lib32-libtiff-4.5.1-1 lib32-libx11-1.8.6-1 lib32-nvidia-utils-535.54.03-1
lib32-opencl-nvidia-535.54.03-1 libjxl-0.8.2-1 libtiff-4.5.1-1 libx11-1.8.6-1 libxnvctrl-535.54.03-1
linux-zen-6.3.8.zen1-1 linux-zen-headers-6.3.8.zen1-1 nextcloud-client-2:3.9.0-1 nvidia-dkms-535.54.03-1
nvidia-settings-535.54.03-1 nvidia-utils-535.54.03-1 opencl-nvidia-535.54.03-1 poppler-23.06.0-1
poppler-qt5-23.06.0-1 pyside2-5.15.10-1 pyside2-tools-5.15.10-1 python-shiboken2-5.15.10-1
qt5-base-5.15.10+kde+r129-1 qt5-charts-5.15.10-1 qt5-declarative-5.15.10+kde+r26-1
qt5-graphicaleffects-5.15.10-1 qt5-imageformats-5.15.10+kde+r9-1 qt5-location-5.15.10+kde+r4-1
qt5-multimedia-5.15.10+kde+r3-1 qt5-quickcontrols-5.15.10-1 qt5-quickcontrols2-5.15.10+kde+r6-1
qt5-sensors-5.15.10-1 qt5-speech-5.15.10+kde+r1-1 qt5-svg-5.15.10+kde+r8-1 qt5-tools-5.15.10+kde+r3-1
qt5-translations-5.15.10-1 qt5-wayland-5.15.10+kde+r51-1 qt5-webchannel-5.15.10+kde+r3-1
qt5-webengine-5.15.14-2 qt5-websockets-5.15.10+kde+r2-1 qt5-webview-5.15.10-1 qt5-x11extras-5.15.10-1
qt5-xmlpatterns-5.15.10-1 ryujinx-git-r2899.f92921a6d-1 snapper-0.10.5-1 telegram-desktop-4.8.4-1
vivaldi-6.1.3035.84-1 wxwidgets3.0-
Total Download Size: 8.09 MiB
Total Installed Size: 2716.55 MiB
Net Upgrade Size: -67.20 MiB
:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
:: Retrieving packages...
wxwidgets3.0- 8.1 MiB 735 KiB/s 00:11 [-----------------------------------------] 100%
(57/57) checking keys in keyring [-----------------------------------------] 100%
(57/57) checking package integrity [-----------------------------------------] 100%
error: wxwidgets3.0: signature from "Nico Jensch (Chaotic-AUR) <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/wxwidgets3.0- is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] y
error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
--> Some corrupt downloads were detected. Retrying...
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: reflector-simple: local (2.0-1.1) is newer than garuda (2.0-1)
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
Packages (57) duktape-2.7.0-6 dxvk-mingw-git-2.2.r61.gc5ab5be4-1 electron24-24.5.1-1 firewalld-1.3.3-1 fzf-0.42.0-1
gjs-2:1.76.2-1 glslang-12.2.0-1 grub-btrfs-4.13-1 js102-102.12.0-1 kio-5.107.0-2 kwin-5.27.5-3
lib32-libtiff-4.5.1-1 lib32-libx11-1.8.6-1 lib32-nvidia-utils-535.54.03-1
lib32-opencl-nvidia-535.54.03-1 libjxl-0.8.2-1 libtiff-4.5.1-1 libx11-1.8.6-1 libxnvctrl-535.54.03-1
linux-zen-6.3.8.zen1-1 linux-zen-headers-6.3.8.zen1-1 nextcloud-client-2:3.9.0-1 nvidia-dkms-535.54.03-1
nvidia-settings-535.54.03-1 nvidia-utils-535.54.03-1 opencl-nvidia-535.54.03-1 poppler-23.06.0-1
poppler-qt5-23.06.0-1 pyside2-5.15.10-1 pyside2-tools-5.15.10-1 python-shiboken2-5.15.10-1
qt5-base-5.15.10+kde+r129-1 qt5-charts-5.15.10-1 qt5-declarative-5.15.10+kde+r26-1
qt5-graphicaleffects-5.15.10-1 qt5-imageformats-5.15.10+kde+r9-1 qt5-location-5.15.10+kde+r4-1
qt5-multimedia-5.15.10+kde+r3-1 qt5-quickcontrols-5.15.10-1 qt5-quickcontrols2-5.15.10+kde+r6-1
qt5-sensors-5.15.10-1 qt5-speech-5.15.10+kde+r1-1 qt5-svg-5.15.10+kde+r8-1 qt5-tools-5.15.10+kde+r3-1
qt5-translations-5.15.10-1 qt5-wayland-5.15.10+kde+r51-1 qt5-webchannel-5.15.10+kde+r3-1
qt5-webengine-5.15.14-2 qt5-websockets-5.15.10+kde+r2-1 qt5-webview-5.15.10-1 qt5-x11extras-5.15.10-1
qt5-xmlpatterns-5.15.10-1 ryujinx-git-r2899.f92921a6d-1 snapper-0.10.5-1 telegram-desktop-4.8.4-1
vivaldi-6.1.3035.84-1 wxwidgets3.0-
Total Download Size: 8.09 MiB
Total Installed Size: 2716.55 MiB
Net Upgrade Size: -67.20 MiB
:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages...
wxwidgets3.0- 8.1 MiB 3.02 MiB/s 00:03 [-----------------------------------------] 100%
(57/57) checking keys in keyring [-----------------------------------------] 100%
(57/57) checking package integrity [-----------------------------------------] 100%
error: wxwidgets3.0: signature from "Nico Jensch (Chaotic-AUR) <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/wxwidgets3.0- is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] y
error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
Ops! Jumped the gun on posting… I was going to mention that I thought this was similar to
All these packages work fine for me.
Try the following:
rm /var/cache/pacman/pkg/find-the-command-git-1.4.3.r0.g5a59306-2-any.pkg.tar.zst /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ananicy-rules-git-2.2.1.r297.g8e78562-1-any.pkg.tar.zst
garuda-update remote keyring
but this post makes me thing it’s not.
Please, just wait. There are some more packages.
1 Like
15 June 2023 22:46
If you really need to update you could disable the pacman sig level.
Change /etc/pacman.conf
SigLevel = ... to SigLevel = Never
Now you can update without waiting. When everything is working again just restore from snapshot and everything will be fine.
Just be cool like an Ubuntu user
Just wait 24 hours and save you all the work.
So glad for the forum, I'll wait.
Tried updating keyrings every way there is, etc but stuck on:
firedragon: signature from "Nico Jensch (Chaotic-AUR) <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/firedragon-114.0.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n]
error: sweet-theme-full-git: signature from "Nico Jensch (Chaotic-AUR) <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/sweet-theme-full-git-r321.c4a4c0c-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n]
… at the moment i wanna make a fresh install on my sons laptop >>> is there a way to get informed when the problem is solved, because after a fresh install the first-start great update failed everytime because of the “Nico Jensch”-Problem ???
1 Like
Works for me. Did you use
in terminal?
Works for me
so the problem has been solved?
16 June 2023 11:43
:: Paketdatenbanken werden synchronisiert …
garuda ist aktuell
core ist aktuell
extra 8,3 MiB 13,9 MiB/s 00:01 [-------------] 100%
multilib ist aktuell
chaotic-aur 2,9 MiB 3,75 MiB/s 00:01 [-------------] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: reflector-simple: local (2.0-1.1) is newer than garuda (2.0-1)
there is nothing to do
--> Updating AUR packages with paru..
:: Looking for AUR upgrades...
:: Looking for devel upgrades...
:: Pakete nicht im AUR: ananicy-rules
es gibt nichts zu tun
System updated! 🐧
didn't work for me-it keeps coming up with that error Y.Y
16 June 2023 14:05
Did you use
in terminal?
Simple question, no answer.
Been lurking this forum a little since I was having the same issue last night. Decided to leave the update for today and it went through perfectly fine for me just now
Thanks @dr460nf1r3 for sorting it
16 June 2023 15:41
I think @TNE was our savior in the emergency.
... no, i make a fresh install now, and then we will see !!!
1 Like
... thanxxx, this also works for me !!! Great