Can't update anymore after restoring SnapShot

After one of the last updates my Garuda KDE dragonized was not booting
I booted restoring a SnapShot
Since that time I can't update anymore, either through the GUI or pacman -Syu

  • Using the GUI, the updated download again and again and again the same 800 MB of updates...

Is there a way to somekind of reset it without reinstalling ?

  • Example of errors I see using pacman
    error: garuda-hooks: key "45ECA705E3897524654A37880706B90D37D9B881" is unknown
    :: Import PGP key 45ECA705E3897524654A37880706B90D37D9B881? [Y/n] y
    error: key "45ECA705E3897524654A37880706B90D37D9B881" could not be looked up remotely
    :: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/garuda-hooks-1.0.6-2-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
    Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] y
    error: garuda-common-settings: key "45ECA705E3897524654A37880706B90D37D9B881" is unknown
    :: Import PGP key 45ECA705E3897524654A37880706B90D37D9B881? [Y/n] y
    error: key "45ECA705E3897524654A37880706B90D37D9B881" could not be looked up remotely
    :: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/garuda-common-settings-1.3.0-1-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
    Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] y
    error: kvantum-theme-sweet-git: key "45ECA705E3897524654A37880706B90D37D9B881" is unknown
    :: Import PGP key 45ECA705E3897524654A37880706B90D37D9B881? [Y/n]

It looks like you may have an old keyring combined and/or a keyserver issue.

Either way, following the steps here is a good first step:


It worked !!!!!!! Tks
Very much appreciated
JF MTL Canada

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