Can't update / add remove software

Been using garuda dragonized KDE version for months ! I love it so much...

Today, I wanted to start the Add Remove software to check for updates using the App and it's not opening...

I can run Pacman -Syu but I can't update anymore through the App (GUY) or even add/remove soft using the Add Remove Application

Any idea what could be causing this ?
tks in advance...


Welcome to what makes Arch truly fun - the terminal!


Doctor: β€œI’m sorry, you have Arch.”
Patient: β€œWhat’s the prognosis, doc?”
Doctor: β€œIt’s terminal.”


Don't delete that! That's good stuff right there!

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Tried to follow the link but I don't understand
Can someone do a

  1. Do this
  2. Do this
  3. Do this

so this is dumb proof for people like me LOL ?

All the GUI package management applications are broken right now because the pacman libraries changed. They'll be updated soon, just have to wait.


Tks @anon72786180 that i can do :slight_smile: (Wait)

SO I'll have to run pacman -Syu manually in a few days ? Or something will run by itself in the background ?

Yes, it's all terminal and pacman for Syu!

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Plus good, ol' makepkg -si for installing AUR packages.

Source: Arch User Repository - ArchWiki


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