Cant logout of Sway for some reason?

But my /etc/skel didn't change and I'm up to date. So the fixes that were supposedly pushed never got to my system. Is that because the changes from last month didn't get pushed yet?

yeah I’ll have to do that, but my point here is that my /etc/skel file didn’t update properly with the latest changes in the repository for nwgbar.

Ok, sorry now I see.
You're probably right.
I see the last change in the PKGBUILD was from 29-nov-21 and related to a different change.

While the last change on "your" file was done on the 22-dec-21.

So probably the change is not yet in the chaotic-aur.

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Slightly unrelated but not too much (tell me if I should open a new thread instead):
at least for me, "lock screen" (swaylock) from mod+shift+e (nwgbar) fails to load its configuration, resulting in a solid white screen and default size/colors for the circle.
Fixed by either using an absolute path for the -C argument, or simply removing it.
Apparently ~ and $HOME are unknown inside bar.json, also when calling nwgbar from a terminal.

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I had a look at the repo and it’s true. The PKGBUILD also needs to be updated with a new version + a new tag is needed for the package to be built successfully @OdiousImp :eyes:


Ah. OK .

pkgdesc='Garuda Linux Sway settings'

All I have to do is change it to 1.1.5 right?

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Yes. Then you go to the tags tab and create a corresponding tag :slight_smile:


I do get the solid white screen, which is deault how swaylock should be if no config is provided.

As you said the command swaylock -C ~/.config/swaylock/config should be looking at the config

When I try to run nwgbar on the terminal and select the lock option I get

2022-01-26 20:01:34 - [swaylock-1.5/main.c:1037] Failed to read config. Running without it.

I can replicate that problem too.

NOTE If I remove the -C and path from the swaylock command, it looks the same as if I run the swaylock -C ~/.config/swaylock/config command.

So I'm just removing the specified file path because it seems to be finding it by default somehow.

Indeed, which surprised me – most likely because I misunderstood its man page saying:

By default, the following paths are checked: $HOME/.swaylock/config, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/swaylock/config, and SYSCONFDIR/swaylock/config.

and neither XDG_CONFIG_HOME nor SYSCONFDIR are set.

But XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to ~/.config anyways, so it makes perfect sense after all.

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Brain dead script I use for this:


# list /etc/skel/ files different from ones in $HOME and run visual diff/merge
# depencencies: `fzf`, `mcdiff` (or any other visual merge tool)
# arguments: `-a` show all files

export _merge_tool=mcdiff

[[ $1 == -a ]] && _show_all=1

_ffinder() { 
  fzf -i --cycle --scroll-off=2 --layout=reverse-list --ansi \
      --preview='_preview {}' --preview-window=66% \
      --bind 'enter:execute($_merge_tool /etc/skel/{} $HOME/{})'

_preview() { 
  diff -u --suppress-common-lines --color=always {/etc/skel,$HOME}/$1
export -f _preview

_colorize_filenames() {
  while read -r f; do
    cmp --silent {/etc/skel,$HOME}/$f
    case $? in
    	0) [[ -n $_show_all ]] && echo -e "\e[30m$f\e[0m" ;; # ==
    	1)                        echo -e "\e[37m$f\e[0m" ;; # !=
    	2)                        echo -e "\e[36m$f\e[0m" ;; # !!
    	*)                        echo -e "\e[31m$f\e[0m" ;; # !?

fd -H -tf --base-directory /etc/skel --strip-cwd-prefix |_colorize_filenames |_ffinder

Why not just, say, meld or kompare home and skel? Just because.
Plus I'd have to explicitly exclude uninteresting directories.
Because it's faster this way. Because I like the terminal.
Because vim is cool but drives me nuts.
But really, just an excuse to play with fzf.


Absolutely same story with me. Suggested command - “loginctl terminate-session self” doesn’t work for me either. Exclusion for hard coded user name only but after that command I’m getting prompt-less black screen and forced manually switching to TTY console.
One more thing - after

loginctl terminate-session self

getting error message - “Failed to issue method call: Caller does not belong to any known session.”

PS Lock screen, Suspend, Reboot and Shutdown working as expected.

This is a 2 year old thread please don’t necrobump and also open your issue as a new thread following proper template.