Cannot Reinstall Grub Bootloader

Nvm updating grub brought it back everything works as intended now. Thank You!


Thank you too for your help!

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YES! Awesome, we got lucky with Windows. :smiley:

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Just one last thing, Tommorow morning first thing I do is get a 240 gb ssd, any tutorials for properly moving and separating Garuda without data loss? I have managed to break it while moving one time already so not really sure which exact method i should follow, any recommendations would be hugely welcome.

I've done that multiple times recently without any issues, I was not dual-booting though.
The tutorial requires many steps when you move your Garuda from one disk to another and is really off topic on this one here.

Honestly, speaking it's a huge pain, linux really has made me re think paying for overpriced spyware. Apart from a few programs, Garuda linux has worked quite well for me.

Do you have any suggested links of articles i should follow to do it properly?

Nothing I can find back. I took many posts from various forums and other places, tried a few times, adjusted commands to match my personal installation and built my steps on that.

EDIT: I think you could give it a shot with a search around "how to move a btrfs linux installation into another disk" or something similar to that.
The use of btrfs-send command is one of the 1st step, actually, everything starts from snapshotting your / and /home.

Please, again, this is a different problem.
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