Cannot install Garuda Linux on My Computer (dual boot system)

Please, post full ISO name and try other DE too, check sha sum.

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Oh I think some of us misunderstood the issue at first. I thought you had successfully installed, but were rebooting back into the installer afterward.

Try using Ventoy. It has been working well for Garuda installs. Quite a few solved threads just from folks switching to Ventoy.

The checksum is a separate file.

Navigate to the folder you downloaded the ISO (cd ~/Downloads for example), then run sha256sum garudablahblahblah.iso and compare the output to the checksum download. If they match you are good to go.


Thank you so much! I am going to try that when I get home from work and let you know of the result.

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Again, read

If you don’t know the basics but are not willing to develop your own initiative, you won’t be happy with a rolling release.
There won’t always be someone here to spoon feed you.



Just a general suggestion, OP, but when users do not respond to helpers’ suggestions with the results of those suggestions, the suggestions tend to dwindle.


Lots of users seemed to misread what your problem is, lets hope they understand now.

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I have read that post 2 times before coming here and posting myself.

I agree that a lot of people did not understand my problem at first. I also followed that post to the T as I explicitly told you what I did to try to solve the problem. My terminology might be incorrect and I apologize for that but please don’t say I am being spoon-fed cause frankly, that’s just saying that I am stupid which I find quite offensive.

I also said that I have been trying all the distros just for the sake of doing so.

Btw, the solution that BluishHumility has given me worked! I installed Garuda successfully! Thank you so much.

Firstly, I can’t speak for @SGS, but I think you are taking what he wrote a little too personally. I think it was intended more as a general comment on the way our forum works. Secondly, you must realize many on the Garuda team are not native English speakers and rely on translation software to communicate. Online translations can often seem a little different than it was intended originally in the users native language.

I personally don’t equate the term “spoon fed” with calling someone stupid in the least. I think you are being a little overly sensitive at the use of that term. No one was questioning your intelligence in any way. Generally the term is referring to a users expectation to receiving assistance rather than being self reliant, (whenever possible).


Right, I completely understand that some people are not native-English speakers and I am sorry about that comment. However, based on the tone of the messages, it seems that @SGS and @Bro was kind of fed up with me from the beginning of this post. They also said multiple times that this forum is not responsible for 30-second issues (which I agree with) even though I clearly stated that my issue is not one that is related to simply rebooting my SSD. Also, I had to tell @SGS multiple times that posting this was the last thing I did. Maybe that's why I took this a little too personally. I would also not call what I did in the above post as spoon-feeding if I have exhausted all of my resources and now after doing everything I could possibly do, I am asking my peers on the server to help me out.

Rodger that.

We try our best to help here. Sorry you felt unjustly targeted. Have a good day buddy.

I'm glad you got your issue resolved. I guess we can close this issue out now.