.bundle file

How to install .bundle file ?

search engine is your friend....


I'm not able to do, can you pls tell any other way ?

open a browser and type in google.com from there type in your question.

How to install .bundle file

Many different sites will give you different installation methods. You will need to find one that works for you.


I'm doing in a right way, but it always says No file or directory found

Then you are doing it wrong

sudo sh ./myFile.bundle

Did you navigate terminal properly and replaced the name of file correctly?

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I'm typing the same command but it always says

sh: ./myFile.bundle: No such file or directory

Replace myFile.bundle with your file name.
And read the instructions carefully.

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I replaced it with the file name but still I'm getting the error:

sh: ./VMware-Player-16.1.2-17966106.x86_64.bundle: No such file or directory

Open terminal in the same directory as .bundle file.
Search on any search engine.

One more silly post and thread is closed.


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