Hello Garuda team and all,
First let me thank you for GarudaOS itself, replaced my sloppy windows and i couldn’t be happier with. Primary I use my PC for gaming and I am amazed how it runs. Now to my issue:
For some reason, when I am playing games and I receive a notification such as from discord or from Steam (achievement, friend message, etc.) My screen for few seconds goes completely black and then restores. its like off/on within 3s.
I tried to check on internet and forum but I didn’t find any fix. I found few people advising to force in nvidia settings “Force full pipe composition” however when enabling that I can not launch a game. Other advise I have seen to do alt+shift+f12 to disable the KDE compositor. But that didnt help either, as well I think fullscreen application such as games disable it by default.
I have no clue what causes this issue and its becoming a bit annoying as this can happen anytime a notification is received.
Any help is much appreciated!
╰─λ garuda-inxi
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LC_ALL = (unset),
LC_NAME = "cs_CZ.UTF-8",
LC_PAPER = "cs_CZ.UTF-8",
LC_TIME = "sk_SK.UTF-8",
LANG = "en_GB.UTF-8"
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to a fallback locale ("en_GB.UTF-8").
Kernel: 6.6.9-zen1-1-zen arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 13.2.1
clocksource: tsc available: hpet,acpi_pm
parameters: BOOT_IMAGE=/@/boot/vmlinuz-linux-zen
root=UUID=a7bf0470-4a53-4449-a9e6-74cd0c7ed817 rw rootflags=subvol=@
nvidia-drm.modeset=1 ibt=off
Desktop: KDE Plasma v: 5.27.10 tk: Qt v: 5.15.11 wm: kwin_x11 vt: 2
dm: SDDM Distro: Garuda Linux base: Arch Linux
Type: Desktop Mobo: ASUSTeK model: ROG STRIX X570-E GAMING v: Rev X.0x
serial: <superuser required> UEFI: American Megatrends v: 5003
date: 10/07/2023
Info: model: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X bits: 64 type: MT MCP arch: Zen 3+ gen: 4
level: v3 note: check built: 2022 process: TSMC n6 (7nm) family: 0x19 (25)
model-id: 0x21 (33) stepping: 0 microcode: 0xA20102B
Topology: cpus: 1x cores: 8 tpc: 2 threads: 16 smt: enabled cache:
L1: 512 KiB desc: d-8x32 KiB; i-8x32 KiB L2: 4 MiB desc: 8x512 KiB
L3: 32 MiB desc: 1x32 MiB
Speed (MHz): avg: 3774 high: 4818 min/max: 2200/5084 boost: enabled
scaling: driver: acpi-cpufreq governor: performance cores: 1: 3800 2: 3800
3: 3615 4: 3618 5: 3667 6: 3659 7: 3800 8: 3607 9: 3594 10: 3599 11: 3709
12: 3600 13: 3800 14: 3907 15: 3800 16: 4818 bogomips: 121599
Flags: avx avx2 ht lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 sse4a ssse3 svm
Vulnerabilities: <filter>
Device-1: NVIDIA GA102 [GeForce RTX 3080] vendor: eVga.com. driver: nvidia
v: 545.29.06 alternate: nouveau,nvidia_drm non-free: 545.xx+ status: current
(as of 2023-10; EOL~2026-12-xx) arch: Ampere code: GAxxx
process: TSMC n7 (7nm) built: 2020-2023 pcie: gen: 4 speed: 16 GT/s
lanes: 16 ports: active: none off: DP-1 empty: DP-2,DP-3,HDMI-A-1
bus-ID: 0b:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:2206 class-ID: 0300
Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.10 with: Xwayland v: 23.2.3
compositor: kwin_x11 driver: X: loaded: nvidia gpu: nvidia,nvidia-nvswitch
display-ID: :0 screens: 1
Screen-1: 0 s-res: 3440x1440 s-dpi: 109 s-size: 802x342mm (31.57x13.46")
s-diag: 872mm (34.33")
Monitor-1: DP-1 mapped: DP-0 note: disabled model: Dell AW3423DWF
serial: <filter> built: 2023 res: 3440x1440 dpi: 109 gamma: 1.2
size: 800x340mm (31.5x13.39") diag: 868mm (34.2") modes: max: 3440x1440
min: 640x480
API: EGL v: 1.5 hw: drv: nvidia platforms: device: 0 drv: nvidia device: 2
drv: swrast gbm: drv: nvidia surfaceless: drv: nvidia x11: drv: nvidia
inactive: wayland,device-1
API: OpenGL v: 4.6.0 compat-v: 4.5 vendor: nvidia mesa v: 545.29.06
glx-v: 1.4 direct-render: yes renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080/PCIe/SSE2
memory: 9.77 GiB
API: Vulkan v: 1.3.274 layers: 11 device: 0 type: discrete-gpu
name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 driver: nvidia v: 545.29.06
device-ID: 10de:2206 surfaces: xcb,xlib
Device-1: NVIDIA GA102 High Definition Audio vendor: eVga.com.
driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel pcie: gen: 4 speed: 16 GT/s lanes: 16
bus-ID: 0b:00.1 chip-ID: 10de:1aef class-ID: 0403
Device-2: AMD Starship/Matisse HD Audio vendor: ASUSTeK
driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel pcie: gen: 4 speed: 16 GT/s lanes: 16
bus-ID: 0d:00.4 chip-ID: 1022:1487 class-ID: 0403
Device-3: VIA USB Audio Device driver: hid-generic,snd-usb-audio,usbhid
type: USB rev: 2.0 speed: 12 Mb/s lanes: 1 mode: 1.1 bus-ID: 1-4:3
chip-ID: 040d:340a class-ID: 0300
API: ALSA v: k6.6.9-zen1-1-zen status: kernel-api with: aoss
type: oss-emulator tools: N/A
Server-1: PipeWire v: 1.0.0 status: active with: 1: pipewire-pulse
status: active 2: wireplumber status: active 3: pipewire-alsa type: plugin
4: pw-jack type: plugin tools: pactl,pw-cat,pw-cli,wpctl
Device-1: Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200 driver: iwlwifi v: kernel pcie: gen: 2
speed: 5 GT/s lanes: 1 bus-ID: 05:00.0 chip-ID: 8086:2723 class-ID: 0280
IF: wlp5s0 state: down mac: <filter>
Device-2: Realtek RTL8125 2.5GbE vendor: ASUSTeK driver: r8169 v: kernel
pcie: gen: 2 speed: 5 GT/s lanes: 1 port: e000 bus-ID: 06:00.0
chip-ID: 10ec:8125 class-ID: 0200
IF: enp6s0 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
Device-3: Intel I211 Gigabit Network vendor: ASUSTeK driver: igb v: kernel
pcie: gen: 1 speed: 2.5 GT/s lanes: 1 port: d000 bus-ID: 07:00.0
chip-ID: 8086:1539 class-ID: 0200
IF: enp7s0 state: down mac: <filter>
Device-1: Intel AX200 Bluetooth driver: btusb v: 0.8 type: USB rev: 2.0
speed: 12 Mb/s lanes: 1 mode: 1.1 bus-ID: 1-6:8 chip-ID: 8087:0029
class-ID: e001
Report: btmgmt ID: hci0 rfk-id: 0 state: up address: <filter> bt-v: 5.1
lmp-v: 10 status: discoverable: no pairing: no class-ID: 7c0104
Local Storage: total: 1.59 TiB used: 669.24 GiB (41.1%)
SMART Message: Unable to run smartctl. Root privileges required.
ID-1: /dev/nvme0n1 maj-min: 259:1 vendor: Samsung model: SSD 970 EVO 1TB
size: 931.51 GiB block-size: physical: 512 B logical: 512 B speed: 31.6 Gb/s
lanes: 4 tech: SSD serial: <filter> fw-rev: 2B2QEXE7 temp: 40.9 C
scheme: GPT
ID-2: /dev/nvme1n1 maj-min: 259:0 vendor: Samsung model: SSD 970 EVO 500GB
size: 465.76 GiB block-size: physical: 512 B logical: 512 B speed: 31.6 Gb/s
lanes: 4 tech: SSD serial: <filter> fw-rev: 2B2QEXE7 temp: 46.9 C
scheme: GPT
ID-3: /dev/sda maj-min: 8:0 vendor: Samsung model: SSD 850 EVO 250GB
size: 232.89 GiB block-size: physical: 512 B logical: 512 B speed: 6.0 Gb/s
tech: SSD serial: <filter> fw-rev: 2B6Q scheme: GPT
ID-1: / raw-size: 198.21 GiB size: 198.21 GiB (100.00%)
used: 47.59 GiB (24.0%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/sda2 maj-min: 8:2
ID-2: /boot/efi raw-size: 300 MiB size: 299.4 MiB (99.80%)
used: 584 KiB (0.2%) fs: vfat dev: /dev/sda1 maj-min: 8:1
ID-3: /home raw-size: 198.21 GiB size: 198.21 GiB (100.00%)
used: 47.59 GiB (24.0%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/sda2 maj-min: 8:2
ID-4: /var/log raw-size: 198.21 GiB size: 198.21 GiB (100.00%)
used: 47.59 GiB (24.0%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/sda2 maj-min: 8:2
ID-5: /var/tmp raw-size: 198.21 GiB size: 198.21 GiB (100.00%)
used: 47.59 GiB (24.0%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/sda2 maj-min: 8:2
Kernel: swappiness: 133 (default 60) cache-pressure: 100 (default) zswap: no
ID-1: swap-1 type: zram size: 31.25 GiB used: 105.8 MiB (0.3%)
priority: 100 comp: zstd avail: lzo,lzo-rle,lz4,lz4hc,842 max-streams: 16
dev: /dev/zram0
ID-2: swap-2 type: partition size: 34.38 GiB used: 0 KiB (0.0%)
priority: -2 dev: /dev/sda3 maj-min: 8:3
System Temperatures: cpu: 39.0 C mobo: 37.0 C gpu: nvidia temp: 31 C
Fan Speeds (rpm): N/A gpu: nvidia fan: 34%
Processes: 397 Uptime: 1h 2m wakeups: 0 Memory: total: 32 GiB
available: 31.25 GiB used: 5.96 GiB (19.1%) Init: systemd v: 255
default: graphical tool: systemctl Compilers: gcc: 13.2.1 Packages:
pm: pacman pkgs: 1829 libs: 547 tools: octopi,paru Shell: fish v: 3.7.0
running-in: konsole inxi: 3.3.31
Garuda (2.6.22-1):
System install date: 2023-11-20
Last full system update: 2024-01-04
Is partially upgraded: No
Relevant software: snapper NetworkManager dracut nvidia-dkms
Windows dual boot: No/Undetected
Failed units: