Ok I cannot pass over this one on my personal experience which explains exactly just that you said.
This winter I was building a miniPC box for my father with Garuda on it. My father is very old and manages super super super bad his computer, I have to limit him in the smallest sandbox as possible but still have very excellent flexibility to tweak things here and there to help him use the machine with only what he needs in his face and nothing more. Trouble reading, seeing, etc… need to play with sizes, colors, etc. Needed to make it almost dumb-free. Garuda is the only distro out of almost 8+ that I’ve tried that allows me to do all that, including maintenance, with the least amount of difficulty (mostly a matter of time rather than difficulty/troubleshooting since I know Garuda enough already).
The 1st box I was setting up for him couldn’t sleep or wake-up correctly, it was erratic with every distro. This feature is an absolute must for him and must be quick and effort-free for him to activate, like on his older iMac. I had a hunch it was hardware issue, I never posted about this, bought a different box and ta-da! Everything worked flawless!
That last thing was to connect wifi on the new box. Of course this one failed cuz the last configuration step sort of always fails, right. loll The wifi is a MT7921K which has proven to be not very good yet with linux-firmware and stuff. But that’s just it, I Whoogled a lot and read a bunch of posts and some apparent fixes, but also that it was pretty new and still not fully supported. It’s impossible for my father to use cable due to home configuration. So I took the AX200 card from my other box and swapped if in the new box, ta-da again! My father is super happy.
So 2 big hardware issues here, none have anything to do with Garuda and just by searching and testing you can see where the problem is and most of it, where it’s not! (Garuda)
Many people would be tempted to think “if it ain’t working it’s Garuda’s fault.” And that’s a reason for them to downvote cuz they’re not doing the basic troubleshooting steps in the 1st place.
EDIT: The only time I open a help request on the forum is when I am pretty sure the problem is Garuda related or if I tried everything I could (and I have a lot of creativity) think of and still no clue on what the issue is or how to troubleshoot it. Then I post to get ideas from other people. The best example is this one about Whoogle-git not working Whoogle-git self-hosted unable to reach localhost:5000.
I want to thank again @khaneliman for helping on troubleshooting, I would NEVER have thought looking there by myself…