Any guide to install Paragon NTFS&HFS+ for Garuda Linux?

Hi community, in order to maximize performance to write access to NTFS volumes, there is any guide to install Paragon NTFS&HFS+ for Garuda Linux?

The Paragon stuff is Win/Mac only. Or since when do they support Linux?

Edit: Oops, you’re right. Sorry, my bad. :slight_smile:
Check the aur:

paru paragon

Maybe this will help you: Ufsd - ArchWiki

But, ther is a guide in the site:

Yes, it stands to reason that Paragon itself has a manual for it. :sweat_smile:

OK, but, if I install it with “paru paragon”, it will deactivate ntfs-3g and it will run paragon/ntfs3 and all the stuff of mounting volumes (as gnome-disk) will function in graphic mode as usual? Or there will be always write mount command on console? And USB, it will use paragon/ntfs3 instead ntfs-3g?

Please, any orientation on that?

Sorry, but I won’t help you with that. Why?
I advise everyone not to work with Linux permanently and excessively with NTFS.

The best thing to do is to contact the paragon forum or wait until someone jump´s in here who sees it differently.

I don’t do that anyway.


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