Youtube Broken on Todays Update

Tried to disable pipewire.service and .socket as suggested by @cooter but to no avail. YT still doesn't play any video unless I use systemctl --user stop pipewire.service pipewire.socket. What am I missing or doing wrong?

You don't have pipewire-support installed, did you manually install pipewire??
You should fully install pipewire-support via sudo pacman -S pipewire-support and then subsequently run update remote 2021-10-audio


No, I did not manually install pipewire (I have absolutely no idea what it does although I am guessing it has to do with audio :wink: ).
Just going through the install of pipewire-support: it is in conflict with all things pulseaudio. pulseaudio has been replaced by pipewire now.
As long as my audio works I don't care whether it is pulseaudio or pipewire. Will let youy know how it went.
Thanks for taking the time and your support, @TNE! Much appreciated!

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Ok, that did it! Thanks, @TNE , for providing the fix and instructions.

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This worked for me. The issue i ran into was that I need pulse and jack. Pipewire is not staying out of the way. But it seems to be a temporary fix. After reboot the issue persists. Pulse and pipewire are in total conflict.

╰─λ systemctl --user stop pipewire.service pipewire.socket

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I was plagued by this issue, tried all the suggestions above, but nothing worked. BTW, from what I have read the developers changed some config files but neglected to provide a converter for the existing configurations. Lots of people in this mess posting in reddit.

Right, so, anyway, here is what worked for me, finally;

  1. Remove all the configuration files in /etc/pipewire (sudo mv /etc/pipewire /tmp)
  2. Reinstall pipewire, pipewire-pulse, and pipewire-media-session (sudo pacman -S pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-media-session)
  3. Enable and start the relevant services (systemctl --user enable pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-media-session) and (systemctl --user restart pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-media-session). After that, my devices appeared as usual and I was back in business.

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