What are your favorite sets of keyboard shortcuts?
For me, first remove all CTRL+F shortcuts as they interfere with apps
Meta+Tab: Switch between activities
Meta+Enter: Open Konsole
Meta+F: Open FireDragon
Meta+N: Open Kate
Meta+C: Open Calculator
In regards to Desktops vs Activities, having 4 desktops in a square can get confusing, and if desktops and activities are combined, it’s even more confusing and counter-productive. I just use 2 activities and flip back-and-forth with Meta+Tab.
One BIG problem: I have a Corsair keyboard with G1-G6 special keys on the left. Never found any use for them… especially since I can do pretty much anything with Meta+key shortcuts, and Linux is so much more customizable than Windows. What could those G keys on the left be used for?
What are your favorite shortcut layouts to enhance productivity?
I’m grateful that keyboard shortcuts like Win and Win+E works in Cinnamon. I would never ever get used to doing it in any other way.
Also, my favorite terminal command I recently discovered is:
builtin history clear
This basically clears all those command you find when you press the up or down arrows in terminal. I recommend you note any important commands before using this, it clears everything. I spent an actual hour finding this command, all other commands I tried either clears current session commands or only clears the last used command.
I also have a Corsair keyboard (K100) and those G keys hinder and I can’t give them any use. I join you Hanuman to ask the community if they know how to disable them.
One use-case that could be useful would be to turn clipboard formatted text into plain text, instead of opening Notepad, pasting, re-selecting and copying. Haven’t gotten to doing that yet. Can’t think of any other task. (plus it can’t be something that would be disruptive or dangerous if pressed accidentally)
How about mapping G3 to rm -rf / and painting it red? Just press it when you get mad.
Actually. Could replace Ctrl+F1-4 with G1-4 for switching desktop. Although I’m still not sure I’d use it over 2 activities. But could certainly bind some window-management features that have weird shortcuts.
On an ANSI keyboard, Croatian layout, < is the key just right of the left Shift and below and to the left of A. The left Meta is just below it. So I can just use my fat left thumb to press both keys at the same time. I use this one all the time, very convenient.