Update India Map in TIme zone setting

World map where we need to select India to select time zone it is not according to India's official map. In this time zone setting Kashmir (POK) shows part of pakistan. It must show part of India. Requesting you to repair that mistake.

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Probably should be opened up here GitHub - calamares/calamares: Distribution-independent installer framework as I'm not sure how direct the devs' involvement in Calamares is. Or if this is about the settings in the installed system then open an issue on KDE.

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We'd need as many world maps as we have countries, for the world maps to match each country's "official map" (with only slight hyperbole).

We could bring it up, but the best way to handle this is of course a PR since things can be tracked best this way :slight_smile:


Hi there, welcome to the community.

I can't believe how calamers devs can do this! I might have opened calamers a hundred times, but didn't notice that, because it is very minute. I share the sentiment with you and will make sure that it is fixed.

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That is certainly Indian territory. I don’t know where calamers devs picked that map, but it is completely wrong.

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Hi there, I created a bug report here

I hope they will fix it soon.


They have added it to milestone, so it will be fixed with next version.

I am marking it solved now.


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