Unable to load nvidia driver

It's very clear that this distro is not for the newbies. :smiley:

I would challenge you to provide one example of any Garuda team member claiming that Garuda is intended for complete Linux newbies.

Most anyone involved with the Garuda project would likely say that an Arch based distro is not the best way to attempt to learn Linux. A better place for a Linux newcomer to begin learning Linux would be distros such as Ubuntu or Mint.

That is not to say that complete Linux newbies are incapable of learning Arch with no prior experience. Rather, simply that there is a much steeper learning curve to Arch than most Linux newbies are prepared for. Users attempting to jump in at the deep end of the Linux pool (Arch) must be prepared to expend a lot of effort to learn on their own. Otherwise, they will likely be unsatified with an Arch based distro in the long run.

Iā€™m not sure why you would think EOS would be a better place to learn Linux, rather than Garuda. EOS is a terminal centric distro, and if anything is even less intended for beginners. I say this because the terminal is not exactly something newbies are all that comfortable with using. That comment is not intended to be a knock against EOS, as EOS is also a great Arch based distro. However, any Arch based distro is likely more suitable to intermediate/advanced Linux users, (not complete Linux newbies).

I just thought Iā€™d clarify some misconceptions often spread by YouTube reviewers claiming Garuda is intended for users fresh off the Windows boat, (with no Linux experience). While Garuda attempts to make Arch easier, it is in no way suitable for users with no desire to learn how Arch actually works. Any user that wants to simply install an OS and forget about it would be far better starting their Linux journey with a static distro such as Linux Mint.


Hmm, this thread did not give me the impression the OP is a newbie.

Regardless, this comment leads me to believe weā€™ll see them around sooner or later:

Thatā€™s the spirit! Hang in there @dosaki :blush:


Can you try kernel parameter nomodeset?

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I hope this suggestion will not worsen the situation (I've never been a Nvidia user) :wink:.
Another Dell laptop is reported in the Arch wiki to be "working well" with optimus-manager-git.
Maybe you could give it a try?

Thereā€™s a user on optimus-managerā€™s github with a similar problem to mine, so Iā€™m monitoring that for a response.

Iā€™ve used arch-based distros for a few years. Itā€™s the first time Iā€™m trying Garuda and Iā€™d say itā€™s quite friendly for beginners. Everything works out of the box, except the nvidia drivers, which I always seem to have problems in one way or another in any distro xD

That still doesnā€™t let me boot :frowning:

Iā€™ll try that nowā€¦ whatā€™s the worst that can happen right? :smiley:

Nothing really worse, just kidding.
You can reinstall the non-git, you can restore a snapshot, ... Have fun!


Good news is that nothing broke :stuck_out_tongue:
Bad news is that it hasn't solved the issue (with and without ibt=off)

However, looking into the optimus-manager logs it's only failing because it can't find the nvidia module... so I guess I'm back to where I started.

Most distributions are not intended for anyone who does not want to explore and learn. But I donā€™t disagree with you. Why give someone a sportscar who does not know how to drive, when something with pedals is more suitable?

That aside, Iā€™ve seen plenty of pre-teens successfully tackle straight Arch, installed the ā€œoldā€ way. Perhaps you meant Garuda is not suitable for you?
:rofl: :wink:


Arch is perfect for me personally. And I feel any rolling release is perfect for anybody who's just starting to learn computers.

Those newbs who come from a Windows background will most likely be in trouble. My point is that this distro is very clearly not intended for these people.

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I've paused looking for a solution for now.

I've had to travel a lot so I actually haven't been able to use an external monitor.

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