Troubleshooting System Stutter, Lags, Freezes, and Hangs

Troubleshoot Garuda's performance tuning packages:

To test if any of the Garuda's performance tuning enhancements are causing issues on your system you may want to try disabling/masking some of these services one at a time. The performance tuning packages Garuda has installed by default have changed over time. Depending on how old your install is, you could have a few of the older packages no longer used installed and running on your system. You can mask any installed service to determine if it is causing issues on your system.

You can find out if any of these services are installed and running on your system with the following command:

systemctl status ananicy-cpp irqbalance preload prelockd auto-cpufreq  memavaild

To stop/disable/mask any individual service that is running on your system, execute:

sudo systemctl disable --now ananicy-cpp.service && sudo systemctl mask ananicy-cpp.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload 
sudo systemctl disable --now irqbalance.service && sudo systemctl mask irqbalance.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload 
sudo systemctl disable --now  preload.service && sudo systemctl mask preload.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload 
sudo systemctl disable --now prelockd.service && sudo systemctl mask prelockd.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload 
sudo systemctl disable --now auto-cpufreq.service && sudo systemctl mask auto-cpufreq.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload 
sudo systemctl disable --now memavaild.service && sudo systemctl mask memavaild.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload  

The service's state should be automatically refreshed by the included sudo systemctl daemon-reload command.

After testing the results of your systems performance with a service masked, the service can be easily be made operational again if you wish. To reinitialize any of the service(s) you masked, repeat the above command(s) substituting "unmask" in place of "mask" and "enable" in place of "disable", as in the examples below:

sudo systemctl unmask ananicy-cpp.service && sudo systemctl enable --now ananicy-cpp.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl unmask irqbalance.service && sudo systemctl enable --now irqbalance.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl unmask preload.service && sudo systemctl enable --now preload.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload

In some instances you may need to reboot to fully initialize the service, as simply reloading may not be sufficient in all cases.