Theme for Garuda Linux Gnome

Is there a version of the Sweetified Plasma theme for the Gnome edition of Garuda or is exclusive to KDE Dragonized?

No, GNOME doesn’t support Plasma theme :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah, GNOME is already sweetified. There is only one version of GNOME, and that is sweetified.

And welcome to Garuda Linux Forums.


Apperntly, it's not sweet enough for some tastes. Looks like it needs an extra layer of icing sugar on top. :wink:


I figured it was but when I downloaded the iso and made my boot stick it was not. I downloaded a new iso file and made a new boot stick and it was. I’m assuming that I must’ve downloaded the wrong iso last time.

Thanks!! Looking forward to being a part of the Garuda community!! :blush:

  • he just starts foaming at the mouth and dies of theme diabetes instantly*

Bam, sweetness overdose... DOA

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