Thanks for forcing me to try fish

I have heard people rave about how great fish was vs bash but just never cared enough to switch, so I have always just used bash because it is what is default most of the time. Now that I am on a distro where fish is default, I am trying it for the first time and I really like it. I love that it gives me the * out of the box for password entry, or the suggestions when typing commands and such. It just has some really cool creature comforts I never knew I was missing but am now glad are there. So thanks for having it in by default and getting me to try it out.


Well, you know, teach a man to fish & all that stuff. :wink:


Fish almost killed my Arch install. Be careful with it. It bites back.

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Good to know...on an unrelated question, does your name imply you are into Camaros and firebirds?

My dog ate my homework? :thinking:


Something's beginning to smell fishy around here. :nose: :fish:


You have no idea. I deleted it and very bad things happened. Bash for me. I’ll save all the fish for you. I’m not cool enough apparently.


Neither am I (ZSH for me). I’m one of those squares that likes POSIX compatibility. :sweat_smile:

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Here in Garuda, we are not BASHed, but given free Fish.


My son played hockey with the Bash brothers for years. Think I'll stick with Bash.


I've never tried zsh.

I found my help thread. I had installed fish on two computers, (I thought the same exact way) but in one I ended up with some adage in my bash.bashrc file requiring some time shift help.

I was shocked both systems didn't have it. . . Either way I did figure it out. But it caused quite the headache for a couple days. The second uninstall was like 30 seconds and no issue following their instructions.

It sure does look nice though.

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