Something went wrong with the database?

Hey wassup i wonder if something went wrong with the forum because 2 people which recently talked to me and were active both deleted their accs within a day
Both of them has like 4Days of readtime. I just wanted to confirm there is nothing wrong with the forum

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Nope everything is fine. They decided to leave the forum quite abruptly, I didn't really get the reason though :man_shrugging:


Ah no issues. I was worried for a sec cuz that looks odd

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With usernames like that most likely they were here not to actually help others.

No, their user names were different originally.
When a user asks to be "deleted", this is actually done (for privacy reasons) by a forum feature which anonymizes the user name and every relevant occurrence (e.g. tags, mentions, etc.) to anonNNNNN


I spoke with both in messaging. One had gotten a post flagged–I don’t know the reason, and his pride was hurt. And the other is, I guess, some kind of friend. They were both relatively new to the forum and, IMHO, didn’t want to invest the time it may take to understand the international flavor of the forum and its users, moderators, developers or distribution.

One size rarely fits all. And that’s OK. That’s why it only takes a package base and a resentment and et voila, a new distribution is born.


I’d forgotten about that feature. Wish more forums used it to keep the contents of threads and post intact instead of completely deleting the user.


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