Realtek RTL8822BE - WIFI unstable, dropping connection

If you are still having problems with your wifi, then you should test out disabling bluetooth. Many Wifi/BT combo chips have signal interference issues that can degrade the performance of either (or both) Wifi and BT. To test if disabling bluetooth can help correct your connectivity issues you will need to blacklist both of your adapters bluetooth modules.

To disable/blacklist bluetooth, modify the rtl8822be.conf file to look exactly as below:

blacklist btrtl
blacklist btusb
blacklist rtw88_8822be
options rtw_pci disable_aspm=1

Alternately, instead of manually editing /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8822be.conf to enable or disable bluetooth, you can simply run the commands below to do it for you automatically.

Run the following command to create an /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8822be.conf with bluetooth disabled/blacklisted:

echo -e "blacklist btrtl \nblacklist btusb \nblacklist rtw88_8821be \noptions rtw_pci disable_aspm=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8822be.conf

Run the following command to create an /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8822be.conf with bluetooth enabled:

echo -e "blacklist rtw88_8821be \noptions rtw_pci disable_aspm=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8822be.conf

Reboot after creating or altering the /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8821be.conf file.

If your wifi performance is improved with bluetooth disabled, then you will likely need to leave the BT modules blacklisted. If there is no significant improvement with the bluetooth disabled, then you can again comment out the top two lines. You can also simply run either of the commands above to automatically enable or disable bluetooth at startup.

Always restart after making any alterations to configuration files in /etc/modprobe.d.

There is still the possibility to use bluetooth (even after blacklisting) by manually modprobing the bluetooth modules. You can use the command below to test if wifi/bt can function properly together after login.

To start bluetooth temporarily, (only lasts one session):

sudo modprobe btusb; sleep 2; sudo modprobe btrtl; sleep 2; sudo systemctl start bluetooth; sleep 2; bluetoothctl power on

If you can use bluetooth and wifi effectively after modprobing your BT modules then this is an adequate workaround for now. A service could most likely be created to start BT automatically. However, that is a topic for another thread.