My Sway theme [with manual]

I am going to remove that. Its annoying


Someone asked me personally for how to change the icons to dr40nized icons ?
so here it is ...

sudo pacman -S kvantum-theme-sweet-git sweet-cursor-theme-git sweet-gtk-theme sweet-gtk-theme-dark

for import-gsetting (~/.config/sway/scripts/import-gsettings) :


# usage: import-gsettings
if [ ! -f "$config" ]; then exit 1; fi

gtk_theme="$(grep 'gtk-theme-name' "$config" | cut -d'=' -f2)"
icon_theme="$(grep 'gtk-icon-theme-name' "$config" | cut -d'=' -f2)"
cursor_theme="$(grep 'gtk-cursor-theme-name' "$config" | cut -d'=' -f2)"
font_name="$(grep 'gtk-font-name' "$config" | cut -d'=' -f2)"
gsettings set $gnome_schema gtk-theme 'Sweet-Dark'
gsettings set $gnome_schema icon-theme 'BeautyLine'
gsettings set $gnome_schema cursor-theme 'Sweet-cursors'
gsettings set $gnome_schema font-name 'Noto Music'

now launch kvantum manager
And go to change/ Delete theme
and select the theme as sweet (or may be writtern sweet modified) :

And click on 'use this theme' :

Now launch qt5 settings
go to icon theme
select 'Beautyline'
click on apply :

And it's done ! :wink:


file path : /home/ankur/.config/sway/config.d/theme

# Apply gtk theming
exec_always ~/.config/sway/scripts/import-gsettings

# Set inner/outer gaps
gaps inner 5
gaps outer 5

# Hide titlebar on windows: 
default_border pixel 2

# Default Font
font pango:Noto Sans Regular 10

# Thin borders:
smart_borders on

# Set wallpaper:
#exec ~/.azotebg

# Title format for windows
for_window [shell="xdg_shell"] title_format "%title (%app_id)"
for_window [shell="x_wayland"] title_format "%class - %title"

## Window decoration
# class                 border  backgr. text    indicator child_border
client.focused          #EA1414 #360303 #eceff4 #EA1414   #EA1414
client.focused_inactive #EA1414 #000000 #d8dee9 #000000   #000000
client.unfocused        #EA1414 #000000 #d8dee9 #000000   #000000
client.urgent           #EA1414 #ebcb8b #2e3440 #8fbcbb   #ebcb8b

# Status Bar:
# Read `man 5 sway-bar` for more information about this section.
bar {
   swaybar_command waybar

created a new post for @appu as reply for :


is this possible for kde :upside_down_face:?

Wrong thread :smiley:
Don’t divert a topic by changing it midstream.

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