My lenevo S145 touchpad is not working

Glad to see that Ubuntu thread got you on the right track. It feels much better when you do the learning yourself rather than waiting for someone to spoon feed you commands. This is what we try to promote with Garuda.

We try to empower new users to rely on themselves more so than others for every little thing. We try to point new users in the right direction and hope they will learn how to resolve things for themselves.

Unfortunately, many new users aren't so appreciative of our methodology. Some take offense at the expectation that users research the Archwiki before asking for help.

I'm glad you understand how much better it is to learn something for yourself. It would be nice if all new users had a similar mentality to yourself.

Congratulations, and welcome to Garuda. :+1:


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My new laptop suffered from the same issue. I tried the DKMS way which worked just alright. But I did not want to patch my kernel for that if there is a better way - adding this in case someone needs it:

  1. Create a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
  2. Insert blacklist elan_i2c
  3. Reboot