How to kill all processes/restart kde if display driver crashes?

Since the op is asking for killing the display server you can look for Xorg server pid with

ps -H -t /dev/tty1

and then kill it with

kill -SIGKILL <pid-obtained>

to restart the server


this would bring up the sddm login screen. However this isn't what you probably need as simply restarting the plasmashell or kwin should do the job.

You should start testing with the less destructive plasmashell replace. you can set this command as a keyboard shortcut since you mentioned your keyboard works during the issue and work your way to the kwin

for plasmashell:

killall plasmashell; kstart5 plasmashell

and for kwin

setsid kwin_x11 --replace &

PS: sorry I accidentally replied to filo and now I can't change it. :sweat: