hello Forum i have a quick question regarding the notifications
i want to send notification through a python program and i want it to stay hidden in the notification widget in the system tray after timeout , i have tried 2 different approaches
first approach
import subprocess
def send_persistent_notification(title, message, timeout=-1):
'notify-send', title, message,
'-t', str(timeout)
send_persistent_notification("Persistent Notification", "This notification stays in the tray!", timeout=5000)
Second approach
import dbus
def send_persistent_notification(summary, body):
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
notification_object = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Notifications', '/org/freedesktop/Notifications')
notify_interface = dbus.Interface(notification_object, 'org.freedesktop.Notifications')
hints = {'resident': dbus.Boolean(True), 'urgency': dbus.Byte(1)}
notify_interface.Notify("dunst", 0, "", summary, body, [], hints, -1)
send_persistent_notification("Reminder", "This notification will stay in the tray until dismissed.")
both are sucessfully sending notifications but it does not stay there after timeout any solutions please tell me , im out of options.