Handy scripts you'd like to share

How is that /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2023.0.0/linux/lib/libOpenCL.so installed?
Is there something referencing it under /etc/OpenCL/vendors/?
libOpenCL.so(7) — Arch manual pages

edit: I mean, which package owns it, looks like it's one of the community/intel-oneapi-something.
And for instance I see Arch Linux - intel-oneapi-openmp 2023.0.0-1 (x86_64) - File List includes an /etc/ld.so.conf.d/intel-oneapi-openmp.conf (so it's done there, not /etc/OpenCL/vendors/ as I first thought).

The thing is, I think there must be some other way to hide it from Resolve.
Maybe something like LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/usr/lib64 /opt/resolve/bin/resolve (and possibly other paths, I'm not sure).

I'm starting to feel like I'm hijacking this thread, maybe a mod can move this into it's own thread if it becomes an issue.

pacman -Qo libOpenCL.so
/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2023.0.0/linux/lib/libOpenCL.so is owned by intel-oneapi-compiler-shared-opencl-cpu 2023.0.0-7

Hiding it would be ideal, but this was just a quick hackish way around the issue.

No worries, your questions are all relating to scripting so they are perfectly fine here.

Just FYI, there are ways of making a script run with root credentials without prompting for a password. However, doing so is not particularly secure. You can do this by using the visudo command to edit your /etc/sudoers file. You can use the NOPASSWD option to allow running your script with root permissions (use with caution). I generally never do this myself as I'm very security conscious.

In the past I have used tmux to execute commands in the background using pkexec. This will not open a terminal window to run your script, it will simply open a password prompt box for you to input the root password and the script will be run in the background. Tmux is an awesome terminal multiplexer with many uses, and I highly recommend checking it out.

Please don't ask me to explain these methods in detail, as I haven't used either method in a long time and the details are somewhat fuzzy. If you do some research I'm sure you'll find some info on ways to accomplish what you are looking to do. The biggest reward is in finding the answers yourself when it comes to bash scripting. The more you investigate, the more cool things you'll find you can do with bash.


Ah, this one has both possibly useful files:


Those are what tells the dynamic linker how to find the libOpenCL.so in /opt/.../lib.
They should be very short, can you post their contents here? nevermind, I dl the package.

Great thanks :smile:. Wasn’t sure if I was taking it off the rails here.

I did previously see about adding the file to sudoers, but that seemed odd to me. I didn’t really want to go that route.

tmux, however, is something I haven’t had a chance to look into yet. I’ve used screen, and I read shortly that it’s pretty similar. I will definitely take some time to research this soon.

No need to explain, pointing me in a direction is more than enough, and much appreciated. I found some work arounds, but I need to research a bit more. I feel like there’s no shortage of learning on Linux, and that’s entertaining for me. I only wish I started using it sooner.

Sure thing, the contents are (respectively)




Just saw you said nevermind, sorry for the wait.

No problem, here's the idea:
copy the /etc/OpenCL/vendors directory somewhere, remove intel-oneapi-compiler-shared-opencl-cpu.icd from the copy, run Resolve with the OPENCL_VENDOR_PATH environment variable set to the "sabotaged" copy, cross fingers.
Beware that future upgrades may touch the other .icd files, I don't know if the ones in the "sabotaged" copy can be replaced with symlinks, let's see if it works first.
edit: will likely need to sabotage the other one too with LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

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Unfortunately no luck. cp -r'ed the dirs, rm'ed the files in question. Crashes faster than I could read it.

Running in .desktop file as a test.

Exec=OPENCL_VENDOR_PATH=/etc/OpenCL/vendors-sabotaged/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/etc/ld.so.conf.d-sabotaged/ /opt/resolve/bin/resolve %u && read -n1 -r -p "Press any key to continue..." key


ActCCMessage Already in Table: Code= c005, Mode= 13, Level=  1, CmdKey= -1, Option= 0
ActCCMessage Already in Table: Code= c006, Mode= 13, Level=  1, CmdKey= -1, Option= 0
ActCCMessage Already in Table: Code= c007, Mode= 13, Level=  1, CmdKey= -1, Option= 0
ActCCMessage Already in Table: Code= 2282, Mode=  0, Level=  0, CmdKey= 8, Option= 0
PnlMsgActionStringAdapter Already in Table: Code= 615e, Mode=  0, Level=  0, CmdKey= -1, Option=0
log4cxx: No appender could be found for logger (BtCommon).
log4cxx: Please initialize the log4cxx system properly.
Press any key to continue...

Wait, LD_LIBRARY_PATH works differently, like PATH: a colon seaparated list of directories.
It’s normally unset, so you’ll have to find out what the search path actually is,

but first try with only the OPENCL_VENDOR_PATH, maybe it’s enough.

No luck using only OPENCL_VENDOR_PATH.

Tried also with

Exec=OPENCL_VENDOR_PATH=/etc/OpenCL/vendors-sabotaged/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/etc/ld.so.conf.d-sabotaged/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/resolve/bin/resolve %u

Whilst this doesn't crash, it also doesn't work. Nor did


Thanks for taking the time here to help me out, appreciate it. I should be in bed though :laughing:. Going to call it quits here for now. G'night, I check back in the mornin'. (Okay, probably past noon if I'm being realistic..)

:man_shrugging: Have a nice sleep. I’ll be away for a while.

not `/etc/ld.so.conf.d-sabotaged/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH` (rm that directory, it will never work).

edit: and neither my way ever will. sorry for wasted time, it was worth a shot after all.

found time for explanation: the OPENCL_VENDOR_PATH thing had some hope but I was wrong thinking LD_LIBRARY_PATH would replace the default search path, it can only add to it.
Perhaps I’m onto something with ldconfig though.

Thanks :sleepy:

No need to apologize, was worth a shot as you said. The thinking process here is interesting, I wouldn't have thought of something like that on my own. Fortunately the initial script posted solves my issue with Resolve, but still fun to explore other ways and learn a bit in the process.

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Quick-and-dirty "need reboot" script.

There are much more advanced options already existing, but I wanted it the most KISS as possible.
It's also tolerably fast.
Only standard tools used: bash, date, uname, file, grep, sed, awk, paste, column, and /proc files.
No attempt at restarting services, not even mapping processes to service names.
Not well tested, likely to miss something and crap out in some cases, standard disclaimer applies.
Intended to run with sudo else only user processes are listed.
Can be called from command line or sourced for the functions.
Reports running and installed kernel versions, last update to /boot, running updated binaries.


last_chboot()                 { date -r /boot +%s; }
last_chboot_hr()              { date -r /boot +'%F %T'; }
last_reboot()                 { date -r /proc +%s; }
last_reboot_hr()              { date -r /proc +'%F %T'; }
upgraded_boot()               (( $(last_chboot) > $(last_reboot) ))
upgraded_boot_hr()            { upgraded_boot && echo yes || echo no; }
currently_booted_image()      { grep -Po 'BOOT_IMAGE=/@\K\S+' /proc/cmdline; }
currently_running_kernel()    { uname -r; }
currently_installed_kernel()  { file $(currently_booted_image) |grep -Po 'version \K\S+'; }
currently_installed_kernels() { file /boot/vmlinuz* |grep -Po 'version \K\S+' |paste -sd' '; }
upgraded_running_kernel()     { [ $(currently_running_kernel) != $(currently_installed_kernel) ]; }
upgraded_running_kernel_hr()  { upgraded_running_kernel && echo yes || echo no; }

# NOTE: $1=pid $6=pathname $7="(deleted)"
awk_uniq_del_paths_simple() { # unused, no command / user name, only pathname and list of pids
  awk '$6 && $7 {pathpids[$6]=(pathpids[$6] " " $1)} END { for (pp in pathpids) print pp " " pathpids[pp] }';
awk_uniq_del_paths() {
  awk ' $6 && $7 {pathpids[$6][$1]=""}
        END {
          for (path in pathpids) for (pid in pathpids[path]) {
            getline uid < ("/proc/" pid "/loginuid")
            ("id -nu " uid) | getline user
            getline comm < ("/proc/" pid "/comm")
            print pid " " comm " " uid " " user " " path
upgraded_mapped_executables() {
  trap "$(shopt -p nullglob)" RETURN; shopt -s nullglob
  local p
  for p in /proc/{1..9}*; do
    sed -En '/^\S+ +..x. .*[^]]$/ {s/^\S+/'"${p:6}"'/;p}' "$p/maps" 2>&-
  done |awk_uniq_del_paths
upgraded_mapped_executables_hr() {
  echo # just to simplify printing function names and results
  upgraded_mapped_executables |column -t -N'pid,comm,uid,user,path' -R1,3

return 0 2>&- # exit if sourced

for fn in currently_{booted_image,running_kernel,installed_kernel{,s}} last_{ch,re}boot_hr upgraded_{boot,running_kernel,mapped_executables}_hr; do
  printf '%-32s : ' "$fn"; $fn
example output

(I reinstalled mpg123 and rebuilt initramfs)

currently_booted_image           : /boot/vmlinuz-linux-zen
currently_running_kernel         : 6.2.10-zen1-1-zen
currently_installed_kernel       : 6.2.10-zen1-1-zen
currently_installed_kernels      : 6.2.10-zen1-1-zen
last_chboot_hr                   : 2023-04-13 16:41:59
last_reboot_hr                   : 2023-04-12 22:13:36
upgraded_boot_hr                 : yes
upgraded_running_kernel_hr       : no
upgraded_mapped_executables_hr   :
  pid  comm         uid  user      path
  907  waybar      1000  meanruse  /usr/lib/libmpg123.so.0.47.0
27794  firedragon  1000  meanruse  /usr/lib/libmpg123.so.0.47.0

Executed in    1.77 secs    fish           external
   usr time    1.11 secs    0.75 millis    1.11 secs
   sys time    0.69 secs    3.02 millis    0.69 secs

May do as a quick reminder, beware it's far from being dependable.

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Not really a script, though technically it is a start-up script:

"pkill kwin" at the start of session to detach amd driver, so my virtual machine can use it.

Does this actually do anything different from the 'reboot required' check my 'upls' script does? (looks through the updates to see if any are likely to recommend a reboot) It isn't all that reliable either! :grin: A certain tendency to over-suggest a reboot, I suspect....

Here is my updates-checker function I hide in .bashrc

upls2() {
    local updatesAUR=$(yay -Qua)
    local updates=$(checkupdates)

    # output RESULT
    if [ -n "$updates" ] || [ -n "$updatesAUR" ]; then
		echo "Repo packages"
		echo "-------------"
		     echo "$updates"
		} | column -t -N Name,Current,"->",New
        echo " "
        if [ -n "$updatesAUR" ]; then
            echo " "
            echo "AUR Packages"
            echo "------------"
                echo "$updatesAUR"
            } | column -t -N Name,Current,"->",New

 	#check for core system packages
	RUN_KERNEL=$(cat /proc/version | sed 's|.*(\([^@]*\)@archlinux).*|\1|')

	echo " "
	echo $updates | grep -q ${CHKLINE} && echo "Reboot will be recommended due to the upgrade of core system package(s)." || echo "No reboot recommended after this update."
        echo "No pending updates..."

Edit: I swapped out the version I first posted for the faster (and more general) version here now. It uses checkupdates rather than checkupdatesext, which is an EndeavourOS enhancement, but runs slower... Oops!

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For a while I have been typing out a one-liner for verifying ISO checksums like this:

sha256sum garuda-cinnamon-linux-zen-230501.iso > temp.txt && meld temp.txt garuda-cinnamon-linux-zen-230501.iso.sha256 && rm temp.txt

It works fine, but if I am testing a batch of ISOs I do get tired of typing it over and over so I turned it into a simple Bash script.


# Check for a valid number of arguments
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ] || [ "$#" -gt 3 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <file1> <file2> [shasum]"
    exit 1


# Calculate the checksum of file1 and save it to a temporary text file
"$shasum_type" "$file1" > shasumchecker_tempfile.txt

# Open Meld to compare the checksum file and file2
meld shasumchecker_tempfile.txt "$file2"

# Clean up the temporary file
rm shasumchecker_tempfile.txt

You run it like this:

./shasumchecker.sh [ISO file] [sha256 file]

It calculates the shasum of the ISO file, saves it as a temporary text file, then opens the text file and the sha256 file in Meld so you can see if they match or not.

After you close Meld, it deletes the temporary text file.

It defaults to using sha256sum because that’s what we use here with Garuda Linux, but the script will accept a third argument if you want to use a different kind of shasum. For example:

./shasumchecker isofile shafile sha512sum

This will run the script with sha512 instead of sha256.

Throw the script on your Ventoy so you have it handy next time you are ISO testing. :wink:


If you have the *.sha256 and the *.iso already in the same directory then doing

sha256sum -c filename-with-sha256extn.sha256

It will handle this for you. No need for piping it to meld. Eg;

.rwxr-xr-x 2.7G siddharth  1 Oct 12:40  garuda-dr460nized-linux-zen-230501.iso
.rwxr-xr-x  105 siddharth  7 Oct 20:30 󰕥 garuda-dr460nized-linux-zen-230501.iso.sha256
.rwxr-xr-x 2.6G siddharth  1 Oct 13:36  garuda-hyprland-linux-zen-230929.iso
.rwxr-xr-x 2.5G siddharth  1 Oct 14:53  garuda-sway-linux-zen-230501.iso
.rwxr-xr-x   99 siddharth  7 Oct 20:31 󰕥 garuda-sway-linux-zen-230501.iso.sha256

and the .sha256 file contents

cat garuda-dr460nized-linux-zen-230501.iso.sha256
File: garuda-dr460nized-linux-zen-230501.iso.sha256
2f11596a236eb0a401f4c5045e325c01d54e94701a147dd8a8679f1754b94726  garuda-dr460nized-linux-zen-230501.iso

╭─siddharth@siddharth in /run/media/siddharth/Ventoy took 25ms
╰─λ cat garuda-sway-linux-zen-230501.iso.sha256
File: garuda-sway-linux-zen-230501.iso.sha256
4c7db96607308af5ccfc8986f2cc9eb1d8f9eb0cb8f13dba81e199993e8917bc  garuda-sway-linux-zen-230501.iso

no changes downloaded straight from garuda website.
Now, I run this command

sha256sum -c *.sha256

and it automatically both calculates the sha256 for required ISO and performs checking on it. I did not have the sha256 for the hyprland ISO so it didn’t bother checking it.

garuda-dr460nized-linux-zen-230501.iso: OK
garuda-sway-linux-zen-230501.iso: OK

The .sha256 extension is not a mandate for this command to work. It can be any text file its the contents of the file that matter. The file should contain the sha256 followed by the name of the file it’s been calculated for like the example above. There can be several such sha256 sums in a single file as long as they follow the correct formatting this command will work.

PS: yes this works for other hashing commands as well like sha512sum, sha1sum, etc.


Neat trick! The way I have been doing it all this time is unnecessarily elaborate. :joy:


I love your elaborations, don’t stop! :smile_cat:


@filo directed me here. I created an install script for my backup service. Feedback, pull requests, anything welcome.


The most shell scripting I have done is making shell aliases…