Garuda-update aborted (core dumped)

I did an update late last night (14-15h ago) and everything went fine.
I have custom compiled kernel and am using third party tkg-nvidia drivers, no issues so far for me, I consider myself lucky then. Or maybe I just don't understand the issue in this topic... :thinking:

Just now, after updating with upd I got this message:

/usr/bin/garuda-update: line 121: 880887 Aborted                 (core dumped) LANG=C /usr/lib/garuda/garuda-update/auto-pacman $PACMAN "${pacman_args[@]}"

Is this related or should I open a new thread?

Should I run pacman -Syu instead of update if this is just an issue with garuda-update script?

You can look into my post related to this error.


Just run update. Nothing is broken, it's all working fine. Don't worry about it.


Yeah, I had the same "error" on the Syncing all file systems but everything updated fine, it seems. Just looks like there are some transition headaches because of the new GNU toolchain updates that a lot of things need to be rebuilt.

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I did manage to get garuda-update to ignore the error for now. Again, completely safe to be ignored, don't worry about it xP


In grauda-update we trust! :wink:


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