Firefox-appmenu upgrade from AUR?

During recent upgrades, I get this message

:: 1 Packages to upgrade.
1  aur/firefox-appmenu  83.0-1 -> 84.0.1-1

Accepting that probably takes 30mins+ of compiling. Will firefox-appmenu come back in Chaotic? Maybe it is easier just to wait?

Thank you for any tips.

It will comeback

You can wait


Its built & in repo now :slight_smile:


was hat da eigentlich "gerödelt" über ne stunde
hatte es mit angeklickt und wusste das es gebildet werden muss
aber solang und dann app menü kp was da jetzt am firefox modifiziert wurde

informationen wären nicht schlecht

what has there actually "gerödelt" about an hour
had clicked it with and knew that it must be formed
but so long and then app menu kp (don know) what was modified there now at firefox

information would not be bad

thanxx nickschecka

Firefox doesnt have the functionality of an app menu which needs to be patched in at compile time - since it needs to compile it can take quite long. 1h is quite good for Firefox actually imo :smiley:

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isch wees imma noch nicht was es sein soll LOOOOOOOOL
mein firefox is und war gut eingestellt
was für apps meinst du
du meinst aber nicht add-ons oda
ich kann mir ne stunde rödelei nicht erklären

i don't know what it is therefor one hour
my firefox was and is perfect for my needs

PS: im gegenteil ich bin sehr experimentier freudig aber erstmal irgendwas kompilieren und nicht wissen was das bin ich LOOOOOOOOL
aber auch eure ankündigung AUR funktioniert nur eingeschränkt
machte mir bisschen Angst

PS: on the contrary I am very experimental joyful but first compile something and do not know what it is I LOOOOOOOL
but also your announcement AUR works only limited
made me a bit afraid

Yesterday happens the same to me. After a few days without booting the system, I've ran updates to find out that Firefox-appmenu was relocated to AUR from chaotic-AUR (I use the Dra460nized version of the distro). Someone knows what happened?

For the record: I've spent 4 hours to compile the update from AUR and didn't finished. Then I've cancelled the update...

EDIT: Anybody?

Actually, firefox-appmenu was used in dr460nized when FireDragon/Librewolf did not exist. Im actually thinking about dropping this one from the repo as we have lots of Firefox versions already in the repo and it is not actively used by a Garuda version anymore.
Depending on the hardware used it can take up to 6h+ to compile Firefox, browsers are heavy these days. Always pay attention to the output the compilation gives before terminating it. In fact the end might have been a few minutes away lol.
In case you are afraid of long compile times there is firefox-appmenu-bin in the AUR, which is already precompiled.


I'll do that, uninstall the older version and use the alternative, so I can reuse the config folder in the AUR build.

Thanks for the answer

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