Fastfetch | garuda-fastfetch-git | Flashfest for Garuda Linux

For i3wm

fastfetch --load-config garuda work only in kitty.

Determine which terminal is currently being used if Fish is set as shell.

basename "/"(ps -o cmd -f -p (cat /proc/(echo %self)/stat | cut -d \  -f 4) | tail -1 | sed 's/ .*$//')`

Add to .config/fish/

set name (basename "/"(ps -o cmd -f -p (cat /proc/(echo %self)/stat | cut -d \  -f 4) | tail -1 | sed 's/ .*$//'))

if test $name = "kitty"
  fastfetch --load-config garuda

Remove Run fastfetch if session is interactive
and edit


Add # to line 7, like

#sed -i 's/--load-config neofetch/--load-config garuda/g' ~/.config/fish/

I'm not a real programmer :smiley: so please forgive me if the instructions are even worse than my English and scripting skills. :rofl:

I'm still trying to figure out how to implement all this in .local/bin/fastfetch-garuda. :thinking:

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