Custom proton won't install in Garuda Gamer

When i click proton-ge-custom in Gaura Gamer, it opens the terminal but it immediately closes after i write the password and the box near proton-ge-custom remains unticked. If i try to install it through pacman it says that the package doesn't exist, could it have another name? Proton-tkg and protontricks work fine tho


For search, I use pamac

I am not a gamer so, maybe it help you.

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that’s because there is no package called proton-ge-custom.

Use this command to search for packages

pacman -Ss [filename]

pacman -Ss proton-ge
chaotic-aur/proton-ge-custom-bin 5.21_GE_1-1
A fancy custom distribution of Valves Proton with various patches
chaotic-aur/proton-ge-custom-stable-bin 5.21_GE_1-1
A fancy custom distribution of Valves Proton with various patches (stable branch)

choose any of the two you would like and install it, alternatively you can use yay

You can install yay with

sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si

yay compiles aur packages and thus takes longer than a normal pacman install.

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