Commands for package maintainance

@moderators Can any of you enable me to edit the first post again?

I have a new update - being able to tab through suggestions - and like to introduce that.
I also consider just hosting this on Codeberg, Gitlab or any other instance - but then again, would love to add that to this post.

Or do you recommend opening another post?

If you like to edit yourself:

function add --wraps "pacman -S"
  update --skip-mirrorlist &&
  paru -Sua &&
  echo \n "Update pkgfile database" \n &&
  sudo pkgfile --update &&
    if set -q argv[1]
    sudo pacman -S $argv
    if test $status -eq 1
    paru -S --aur --skipreview $argv

As you can see, the first line changed.

I change the first line. Happy weekend :slight_smile: