Chaotic-AUR | Packages | Requests | Recompilation | Reports

Done! :slight_smile:


Hey all!
I've noticed this package for forticlient-vpn is a little outdated on the AUR, and for sure isn't the newest version.
Is there anyway we can get that updated or get a newer package made available? Found myself needing this for work today, and building it from source nor the AUR package worked when I tried them. What do you need from me to do this?

You need to follow up with the package maintainer. Perhaps you can leave a comment on the AUR page you linked explaining that the build is failing (or whatever the issue is). If you can include some specific error messages I imagine that would be helpful.

The Chaotic-AUR package is just a pre-built version of the AUR package (as opposed to a fork or otherwise needing development or maintenance separate from the regular package), so getting the same result when you build it yourself is expected.


Sounds good. I'm pretty new to the AUR and Chaotic AUR so this is a learning curve for me. What kind of packages should I recommend here, and Chaotic versus regular AUR? Thanks Bluish

All Chaotic-AUR packages are AUR packages, just they get the build out of the way so they can just be installed like a normal package.

The point isn’t so much recommending packages to be added because they might be good packages or something, rather we request packages be added because the package is something we are using, and we would appreciate having a pre-built binary instead of having to build it ourselves every time it updates.

A common reason for requesting an AUR package to be added to the Chaotic-AUR would be a package has a lengthy build routine, or gets updated frequently so has to be rebuilt a lot…or both, for example there are quite a few kernels in the Chaotic-AUR.


That.... Actually makes a ton of sense! Thank you very much for explaining that!! :slightly_smiling_face: I do actually use some AUR packages so I'll have to take a look and see if they're already in Chaotic.
Just one more Q. Chaotic doesn't use any different package manager does it? Just pacman or yay I'm guessing away from the PC at the moment, will be searching later also)?

It is a Pacman repository, so the packages are installed and updated with Pacman just like a normal package. If you look in your /etc/pacman.conf you’ll see it added in under the “repositories” section.

If they are, they pretty much just get absorbed into the Chaotic-AUR packages; Pacman will notice the package is in one of your repos and just update it, unless you set the package to ignore in /etc/pacman.conf.

If you are using Paru, it will show the package is available in both:

paru joplin-beta-appimage
2 aur/joplin-beta-appimage 2.10.8-1 [+2 ~0.20] [Installed]
    The latest beta AppImage of Joplin - a cross-platform note taking and to-do app
1 chaotic-aur/joplin-beta-appimage 2.10.8-1 [0B 204.36MiB] [Installed]
    The latest beta AppImage of Joplin - a cross-platform note taking and to-do app
:: Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3):

An example of when you might want to build it yourself would be if you wish to review the PKGBUILD before installation, or if you want to actually edit the PKGBUILD to make a change before you build it.


This has been extremely helpful. Thank you very much Bluish! I'm not using Paru, but I've seen it on the forums quite a bit, so I'm going to look into it, and see if it's the right tool for me. I really do appreciate you being patient and explaining all that. Cheers my friend! :beers:

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Keep up the learning.

I love reading threads like this. :slight_smile:


Man I'm trying. About to go mad trying to find a Fortinet VPN client for Arch systems. :joy:


I'd like to request radeon-profile-daemon-git be included in Chaotic. Y'all already have radeon-profile in there. :smiley:

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could you trigger a rebuild for librewolf? Media playback is broken. Probably because it was not built against ffmpeg 6


Could you please add jameica? It's a secure, easy to use and feature rich multi-platform solution for HBCI online banking in Germany. It also has some plugins, but they don't need to be in the repos. They can be installed in the settings. I'm using it for a long time now as flatpak, but it would be great to have it in the repos :slight_smile:


Link to AUR

Howdy. Not so much a recompile or a broken package, but mongodb-bin-6.0.5-1-x86_64 cannot download the signature due to an 404 response from I think this is the right place :slight_smile: sorry if not

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I am not able to install bottles, a dependency of it doesn't download. I have been trying it for some days now.

error: failed retrieving file 'python-steamgriddb-1.0.5-1.1-any.pkg.tar.zst.sig' from : The requested URL returned error: 404

This is a known issue (couple of posts on the Forum too). Some unlucky people get this error, some lucky ones don’t.
I am not sure there is a workaround, but refreshing 2-3 times the mirrors or completely changing mirrors may potentially help.

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I've refreshed my mirrors many a time over hte last 3 - 4 days. Reflector does it for me on boot too and it has not been fixed. Is this a server down or just a networking moment?

This would not help as reflector just tackles the Arch mirrorlist. Instead, comment out the r2 mirror in /etc/pacman.d/chaotic-mirrorlist.

Iirc this happens because .sigs aren’t pushed to Cloudflare to save on operations (there is a limited amount of free operations) and Pacman is actually supposed to just take the next mirror to download them. @TNE can explain it better than me though!


Now I don't have an in my mirror list. Am i to comment out this one as it has R2 in its comments?

## Special CDN mirror (delayed syncing, expect some (safe to ignore) amount of 404s)
# Globally
# * By: Garuda Linux donators, hosted on Cloudflare R2
Server =$repo/$arch

EDIT: This didn't work for me, even after an -Sy

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Oh, in this case you would comment the cdn mirror (as stated by the comment above the line, it is hosted on R2).

Edit: there has been a change to our router to automatically redirect to the right mirror - could you test whether this solved the issue for you?