I tried to look for some solutions but it seems solutitions that worked for other people doesnt help me at all so I assume the root of my problem is something else than others.
I am more or less a beginner linux user with limited experience on it 6 months or something. So might unaware of some stuff I was supposed to set myself etc.
When I try to run Eagle 9.6.2
QFont::fromString: Invalid description 'Fira Sans,10,-1,5,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1'
QFont::fromString: Invalid description 'FiraCode Nerd Font Mono,10,-1,5,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1'
QFont::fromString: Invalid description 'Fira Sans,10,-1,5,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1'
QFont::fromString: Invalid description 'Fira Sans,10,-1,5,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1'
Could not initialize GLX
fish: Job 1, './eagle' terminated by signal SIGABRT (Abort)
I found something about there was a font issiue on Qt5 apps on archlinux and needed to install “plasma5-integration” which I did and didtn work and tbh it was probably unrelated.
On another forum post there was something about nvidia gl libs being sh*tty and probably was the source of problems. Tbh I didnt want to mess with my nvidia stuff because garuda update installs them auto so dont wanna mess with them without being sure.
I am using the same program on a work laptop with single on board gpu and ubuntu installation.
My laptop is dual-gpu and there was a post about that might be the problem and I tried setting bumblebee up and starting eagle with optirun but that didnt help either. spat out this error
./eagle: symbol lookup error: /home/boerue/Downloads/eagle-9.6.2/lib/libQt5WebEngineCore.so.5: undefined symbol: _ZSt24__throw_out_of_range_fmtPKcz, version Qt_5
I found some posts about eagle not working on a similiar way on other linux system the solutions they used
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxcb-dri3.so.0 ./eagle
doesnt change anything either.
Nvidia stuff being the problem might be the correct diagno here as program works fine on the onboard intel gpu ubuntu laptop and not mine but there is a bunch of nvidia stuff and I dont really know which causes problems should I uninstall all or keep some etc. etc.
here is my output for nvidia packages
pacman -Q | grep -i nvidia
garuda-nvidia-config 2:1.1.6-1
garuda-nvidia-prime-config 2:1.1.6-1
lib32-nvidia-utils 555.58.02-1
lib32-opencl-nvidia 555.58.02-1
mhwd-nvidia 555.58.02.1-1
mhwd-nvidia-390xx 390.143-1
mhwd-nvidia-470xx 470.94-1
nvidia-dkms 555.58.02-1
nvidia-prime 1.0-5
nvidia-settings 555.58.02-1
nvidia-utils 555.58.02-1
opencl-nvidia 555.58.02-1
Tbh I would prefer using fusion 360 on this laptop and not the older version which is eagle but autodesk didnt release it for linux and some dudes fusion for linux git projecy didnt work for me and it was way to many error and warning outputs for me to handle so no cad for me on this laptop I guess lmao.