Can't boot with "quiet splash" boot options enabled. Fails to set up virtual console

If you search around in the forum you would notice the gaming edition ISO has been causing trouble for reasons unknown and for most people using the “regular” dr460nized edition has been “the fix”. You can just download all that’s available in the “gaming” edition using the preinstalled app garuda gamer.

PS: Please note that the latest plymouth-git update has brought breaking changes with it. Either remove the splash kernel parameter (You can easily do so from garuda boot options, another preinstalled app) to temporarily disable plymouth-git until a fix from upstream arrives or you can switch from plymouth-git to plymouth.

Just remember to rebuild your initramfs after switching the packages, it’s needed for plymouth. Since you are new to arch to switch the package:

sudo pacman -S plymouth

This will ask you to remove plymouth-git since it conflicts with plymouth enter Y to do so and continue installing. After the installation is done to update the initramfs follow this post.