Broken terminal after adding export commands to .profile

I can't get my terminal back. I added the following commands to try and install packages in Go lang.

export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin

now after sourcing .profile and opening the terminal it refuses to run any commands whatsoever and I don't have a system snapshot. Will I have to reinstall Garuda?

I get this when opening the terminal for the first time

ish: Unknown command: mktemp
/usr/share/fish/functions/ (line 1): 
mktemp $tmpdir/.psub.XXXXXXXXXX
in command substitution
called on line 37 of file /usr/share/fish/functions/
in function 'psub'
called on line 1 of file ~/.config/fish/
in command substitution
called on line 33 of file ~/.config/fish/
from sourcing file ~/.config/fish/
called during startup
/usr/share/fish/functions/ (line 37): Unknown error while evaluating command substitution
set filename (mktemp $tmpdir/.psub.XXXXXXXXXX)
in function 'psub'
called on line 1 of file ~/.config/fish/
in command substitution
called on line 33 of file ~/.config/fish/
from sourcing file ~/.config/fish/
called during startup
fish: Unknown command: neofetch
~/.config/fish/ (line 154): 
from sourcing file ~/.config/fish/
called during startup
fish: Unknown command: uname
/usr/share/fish/functions/ (line 1): 
in command substitution
called on line 1 of file /usr/share/fish/functions/
from sourcing file /usr/share/fish/functions/
called on line 1 of file /usr/share/fish/functions/
in command substitution
called on line 1 of file /usr/share/fish/functions/
in command substitution
called on line 6 of file /usr/share/fish/functions/
in function 'fish_title'
in command substitution
/usr/share/fish/functions/ (line 1): Unknown error while evaluating command substitution
switch (uname)
from sourcing file /usr/share/fish/functions/
called on line 1 of file /usr/share/fish/functions/
in command substitution
called on line 1 of file /usr/share/fish/functions/
in command substitution
called on line 6 of file /usr/share/fish/functions/
in function 'fish_title'
in command substitution
fish: Unknown command: __fish_pwd
/usr/share/fish/functions/ (line 1):
in command substitution
called on line 6 of file /usr/share/fish/functions/
in function 'fish_title'
in command substitution
/usr/share/fish/functions/ (line 6): Unknown error while evaluating command substitution
echo (set -q argv[1] && echo $argv[1] || status current-command) (__fish_pwd)
in function 'fish_title'
in command substitution

I fixed it by removing the commands from .profile using dolphin by typing $HOME/.profile in the path

But that begs the question of where am I suppose to add such commands?

For Fish,

Also keep in mind that this isn't really a "how do I Linux?" forum.


Perhaps you might want to get on that.


Is this what Go developers suggest?
Have you asked them about your issue?


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