Age - Honestly

Yeah, that is what I have heard :S
Still, I want to at least try not to be.

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So, Mr. SGS, how old are you?
No matter how old you might be, you still have my respect, sir (same goes for Mr. Bro)


Not the ones that founded their own tech company and struck it rich. :rofl:


Hmm… So that’s the key of success getting girlfriend:astonished:

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Yes, I also want to know.
Maybe, if we can all agree on what is necessary, and even properly evaluate it, we will be able to develop a successful program, or some code for it, at least.

Well… Call 555-1337 and, for a small fee of 1 thousand dollars per half an hour I can tell you the secret to get super models at your feet !

Call now, while available!

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

(damn, just noticed now I bumped a 11 days old thread for a stupid joke. Sorry admins, please dont ban me!)


There is no necro bump in Garuda Community :slight_smile:


I’m 62 Years old, or should I say young?
My first computer was a C 64, to which I soldered a second floppy (,8,2) to speed up copying of the discs. At the same time, I use an 0-86 IBM that weights a ton. Then cane the 2-86 with Dos 6 plus Norton Commander. This was followed by W 3,2, 95, 98, XP, 7, and 10. In the meantime, I used Knoppix, later Suse Linux to dual boot with Windows XP, then came Linux Mint, also dual boot.
In February 2021, while searching for Garuda, the mythical mount of Wishnu, I came across Garuda Linux. First in dual boot with W 10, then in dual boot with eos.
That was the end of distro hopping. Now I only do kernel hopping.


43 here, and still peachy!


26,054 Days, as of today. Here’s why it popped up on my Calendar…

30 years ago today, I met my wife in person. We had actually met online, in an AOL chat room (for you youngsters, there was no internet as such in those day) in mid-August, 1993. And again the next, then the next. It wasn’t very long, that we fell in love and daily, hours long chat room and phone calls later, we met “in real life.” The cost, since AOL was a “long distance” 48K modem phone connection, plus the long-distance phone calls, and the cost of our talks were exorbitant–thousands of 1993 dollars a month! We couldn’t go on this way. A few months later, she traveled to see me and never left. We will have been married 29 years in December, God willing.

But on this day, November 11, 1993, I drove 750 miles to Springfield, Illinois, and we finally met in person. And what we had believed to be real, was real. :heart:

The next day we drove to see the St. Louis Zoo, and that is how I know I am approximately 26, 054 days old today. Because I kept the admission receipt from the Zoo. On it were facts, mostly earth/animal-related, but it also said that I was 15,104 days old on that day, Nov. 12th.

And that, plus the easily calculated days since, comes to 26,054 days alive on Planet Earth.

No wonder I feel older than shit!


75, 27458 days, and a Linux user since I was 60. Distro hopped for a while. stuck with Ubuntu MATE, got sick of software unavailability, moved to Manjaro MATE, got sick of the slow updates. moved to EndeavourOS, and had to downgrade nVidia drivers twice. Got smart and installed a Radeon GPU, and got smarter and installed Garuda.

Started out 40 years ago with a VIC-20, then a C=64, then the lovely Amiga. I was one of the first people in my area to have an Amiga, and was one of the last to still be using one. Then I was gifted a Windows computer and stayed with Windows for about a decade, then got sick of Windows and booted a Ubuntu live CD. Everything worked, including the printer, so I installed it and haven’t looked back. In the 2000s, I bought a Windows computer and used it strictly for gaming, and Linux for everything else. Then Steam for Linux got rolling and I deep-sixed the Windows partition.


It has been exactly 2 years since this post, and tomorrow, I will be 18 and a 1/2.
I have been Windows-free for almost ever since the above post (2 years back). Soon, after a couple of months, I had removed Windows from my laptop.

Today, I have 2 laptops, one running Garuda KDE and the other Garuda Gnome (no multibooting on either of them).

If you are wondering, both of these are family laptops, actually. I am still living with my family.

Many of you would remember the story of the older laptop,


If I look back, at one point when I had just one laptop, I was multi-booting 5 OSs,

  1. Garuda KDE
  2. Void Cinnamon
  3. Ubuntu Budgie
  4. Chrome OS
  5. Windows 11


Today, I am happy with my setup, and I am a stable Linux user only running Garuda.


Eell, happy demi-Birthday, @Austin! Please remind us when you are 19-1/2. :rofl:

Seriously, I remember when you joined here. You have done very well, and been very helpful. :smiley:


Thanks for your wishes and kind words. Well, it’s the first time someone has wished me a demi-Birthday! :smile:

Well, I didn’t mention, it was actually an extraordinary coincidence today that I opened the forum, saw some new posts in this thread and remembered, I too had posted here some while back, and when I checked it out, it was exactly 2 years back. I did not at all remember that. :exploding_head:


Now I’m almost 16
I feel like life is moving so fast, too fast in fact
I miss the good old days when I was a child and could do whatever.


The apparent/felt rapidity gets only worse. It never slows down.
I’m 71 and just yesterday I swear I was your age. I swear it.
I don’t miss being a child, but I miss 16…

It was the summer of '68, and I lived in Dodge City, Kansas. I had wrecked my father’s car for the nnth time and thought visiting friends in Boulder, Colorado for the balance of the summer would be a good idea. Nobody in my family disagreed. A friend was going to Denver and he didn’t mind the extra few miles and plop I was in Boulder.

Boulder, Colorado in 1968 was almost indescribable. It was one of those “you had to be there” places to understand it fully. Boulder is a college town, and all the action centered around the campus, but especially on Pearl Street. I’ll never forget the sheet-wearing dude truckin’ along singing The Doors song, Hello I Love You. That was my introduction to Pearl Street. Of course, every non-narcotic drug was freely available, but almost exclusively psychedelics. Hardly any cocaine, heroin, speed, etc. And most of us frowned on alcohol as being a drug of The Man. The streets were filled with the smells of burning cannibis, however. :smiley:

Just before I was due back at school in early September, I saw Jimi Hendrix perform live at Red Rocks outdoor amphitheater. I think that was Sept. 1, but everything is pretty hazy. I was doing a lot of Acid back then. Hell, I don’t think there was anyone at that concert that wasn’t tripping on something. :wink:

At the end of summer I hitchiked to Salina, Kansas, a straight shot on I-70 from Denver, back to military school where my trunk & bags had been forwarded by my folks. I didn’t see my parents again until Thanksgiving. By then my father had cooled off from me wrecking his car, a Cadillac (oh so expensive when you’re kid’s an insurance company “excluded driver”) again.

And that is how I spent my Summer Vacation at age-16.



Commodore 64 C64 GIF by Squirrel Monkey


Lol, I don’t even remember how windows 10 works and you used things like windows 11 ? :rofl:

I still have only one laptop and it’s outer body is loosing it’s shine and getting rusted :face_vomiting:

Same, I am of 18 and little less the half and I also remember my childhood, it was free with no worries of what exams are going after some months :grin:

I mostly miss childhood because during 15 when Corona came everything became just a thing that I would like to forget, actually I don’t even remember my 10th and 11th grade because it was all online and in 12th offline I don’t even know how it passed away so fast because we have to wrap up many things which we were not able understand in online classes of previous classes and in that thing every thing got passed away :sweat_smile:
So my memory is basically currupted for class 10th, 11th and 12th too. :slightly_smiling_face:


I feel ya :weary:
I too don’t remember much from 10th offline (for which I am disappointed because for me it went well). And then I don’t want to remember my 11th and 12th (current year) but I do very correctly…
12th (or 2023) has been the most f’ed up year for me and my family. The only good thing that I did was really get into Linux :smiley:, otherwise its all been a tornado of health issues, depression, demotivation, etc.
(I know this is a Linux forum, so sorry for this off-topic shit)


We do have a off-topic chit chat category too. :slightly_smiling_face: Off Topic Chit Chat - (Silliness factor 5)